Chapter 48

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Author's Thoughts: I'd like to dedicate this to bendiamelancia, transoceanic, Lovely1723 and agirlinlovewithpizza! Thank you all so so much for your support. This chapter is focused on Hayden because the boy needs some closure and loving too. Laughing at myself for writing the most cutest chapter for Elie and then this for Haylia...

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Playing Honestly

"Sweetheart." Due to her runny nose, which is most likely a direct result from all of the sobbing she's been doing in the bathroom since this morning, Mrs Knight can't help but sniffle. Instinctively, she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her sweater and tries her best to compose herself. Hayden doesn't bother to say anything and sits idly on the couch, waiting for her to continue. He already knows what's coming.

Looks like today will be the day his parents finally make their big announcement. Although he's known for months now, he would just like to hear them tell him with their own mouths about the separation. It's the least they could do in exchange for making the house feel like a battle zone with the yelling and the shouting and the breakage of nearly all of the fine china in the place. His mother is seated next to him while his father stands by the furnace, a blank and expressionless countenance settled over his face.

"Your dad and I—we've decided to spend some time apart," she says, trying to soften the blow as much as possible. She doesn't want to emotionally scar her only child. She loves him too much.

"We're getting divorced," Mr Knight announces bluntly, in contrast to his wife's approach.

"Stuart!" the woman exclaims indignantly as she turns to glare at him.

"He's not a child, Heidi," Mr Knight replies. "He doesn't need to be babied. He is old enough to understand." He shifts his gaze towards the boy and looks at him expectantly. "Isn't that right, son?"

Hayden stands up and claps. "It's about time," he announces.

Gasping out loud, Heidi shoots to her feet as well while Stuart furrows his brows. "You mean you knew?"

"I'd have to be the world's most naïve teenager not to have seen this coming," Hayden remarks. "Mom, you've been crying your heart out every day. And dad, you're hardly ever home anymore. It's not hard to put two and two together." He might sound as cool as a cucumber, but on the inside, it pains him to have to say all of this. Because now he has nowhere to run. But, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe, it's time for him to accept the reality waiting for him instead of hiding from it. After everything he's been through, after all of the people he has unintentionally hurt, after suffering all alone by bottling everything up inside of him, Hayden has finally realized he can't avoid his problems forever.

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