Chapter 50

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Author's Thoughts: Look! I made a trailer for this story <3 Any who, this is a really bittersweet moment. Longer note at the end. Also, this story got ranked 114 thanks to you all! I will be going back in to edit this whole thing now that it's completed. Happy reading, everyone!

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Playing for Your Team

Having a four-day weekend is basically every high schooler's dream come true. Don't try to deny it. At one point or another, you were beyond stoked about not having to go to school no matter what the reason may be. It's part of being a teenager. Hell, it's a part of life. However, in Charlie's case, a four day weekend plus a fridge stocked with delicious food is what she would consider a dream come true. And luckily for her, it looks like she's going to be one happy camper over this brief break.

This year, Thanksgiving will be celebrated at the Whitmens' house, which means all of the leftovers won't be going anywhere accept into the girl's digestive system. The two-story house, painted a midnight-blue, is the only place large enough to accommodate close to twenty people without making it feel like they're spending time at the sauna. Normally, Charlie and her family would head over to her aunt's house for some home-cooked turkey and fresh mashed potatoes, but now that they've got Naomi and Layna teaming up, putting together a feast fit for kings, there's no need for them to go anywhere. Leftover turkey sandwich for days!

The aromatic scent wafting throughout the entire house is driving them all insane, causing the children to salivate against their will at the enticing and delectable smell of whatever is it that's cooking. At the moment, nobody else has arrived yet with the exception of the two women, who are hiding in the kitchen, forbidding anyone from crossing into their sacred territory, Maxwell, the Golden Retriever everybody seems to love, and Ethan. He's been over since ten in the morning and they have been playing videogames in the living room in order to kill time.

Mr Whitmen is busy setting up the table in a buffet style because he realized it would be less of a hassle to have everyone serve themselves instead of trying to cram twenty people at a single table. Could you imagine how difficult it would be to eat comfortably with somebody's elbow jammed into your gut? He can't even remember the last time he had hosted a Thanksgiving dinner as grand as the one they'll be having tonight but to have his home filled with so much life and laughter is something he definitely misses. It's also something he wouldn't mind getting accustomed to.

Granted, his children are, of course, quarreling, arguing about who is better at what, their voices resonating throughout the whole house. Then again, that's nothing out of the ordinary for them. At least nobody's physically hurt, leading the man to believe that everything is still fine.

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