Thomas's POV

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But what you didn't see was that, Mark, Trina, and the guy name Alec survived the crash. Mark kicks and screams in pain as he stands up and helps Trina stand up. They kick rocks and pieces of ceiling out of the way and see Alec walking towards them.

"You think eh, um.. little DeeDee is safe with those people?" Alec said as his voice cracked and tears formed his eyes. Trina starting to cry too and tell Mark how DeeDee should've stayed with them. "No Trina." Mark said his voice cracking. "She's was in great danger when she was with us. A lot of people wanted her. She's safe with them. With those people we don't understand." They looked at each other and Mark hugged Trina tightly saying how things would get better. "I'm going to die." Trina said yelping in pain. "I'm going to become into those monstrous things." Mark grabbed her and made her look at him. "Don't you dare say that Trina! I promise you I'm going to help you get better. I promise you that." "Oh please. Nothing can help me. Promise me something Mark. Promise me that when I'm turning into a monster, into one of them, you'll kill me. Right on my head. Promise me that." Trina whispers into Mark's ear crying. Mark looked pale but he shook his head firm. "No. I promise nothing." he said as he looked at her letting her know he wasn't fooling around. A horrible awful screech interrupted the moment. Alec raised his shot gun to the area the sound came. "We've got to keep moving." he said as he motion Mark and Trina to follow him. They got a few supplies from the warehouse, packed up, and left, never turing back.

"Mom, Dad." Georgia says. "Oh my god! That was them!" Georgia says in shock.
They were her parents. Sydney looked at Georgia sympathetically and just squeezes her hand reassuring her.

A video of a boy being dragged away from his mother starts. The poor guy looks so desperate. He's screaming and crying. He desperately is trying to get free from the hands of the guards. His mom is still on the floor, crying and watching him be taken. She screams at the guards saying "Please be careful with him. Please!" she says as her voice cracks up and she starts sobbing. I see that the soldiers have the logos
On their uniforms.
"No! Mom!! Mom!!!" the little boy cries. He turns and looks at his mother who's standing up and being pulled into the house by a guard. "Mom!" the little boy yelps as they drag him away brutally. Once the soldiers and him are close to a car all you hear is a gun shot inside the house where the mother was dragged inside and the little boy was dragged away. The little boy, once he heard that started crying and yelling.
They killed his mom...

A guard who came from the inside of the house with a shotgun looked back at the house and saw a light bulb hanging on top of the ceiling. It's brightness flickered.
"Hmm." the guard said for a moment.
"I think we'll call this one Thomas." the guard said as he walked away. Never turning back and leaving the poor mother dead.

Thomas. That's that's
oh my God. That's my name. That that's me.
Newt turns to look at me in shock. But I'm more shock than anybody else. I was that boy crying and that lady was my mother.

Video 3

Ava Paige begins to talk with two little kids. One a boy and one a girl.
"Thomas and Teresa, humanity needs you two to find a cure for the flare. I know that both of you had horrible past but you are helping humanity. With your knowledge and your determination, I know both of you can find the cure. That's why I chose both of you."
The two kids look at Ava as if they know what to do.
"Shake hands you too. You'll see each other for a very long time so I suggest start getting used to it." Ava Paige says.
The two kids look at each other shyly and they shake hands but if you look at them closely you can also see in both of their eyes that they are making a bond and a promise.
"I give you our new Doctors for WICKED!" Ava Paige says proud.
Many doctors start clapping and cheering. But both, Teresa and I don't stop letting go of each other.

Video 4
"WHAT THE HELL THOMAS?!!! WHY WOULD YOU FREAKING AGREE!!" Teresa screams at me. Her marasca is making her eyes look black. We're in WICKED and as we're testing substances to find the cure. "Teresa. I'm so sorry!" Thomas sobs. Teresa starts to bawl and accidentally drops a glass container with light yellowish and greenish substance. "I promise that whatever happens, I know that when you betray me in The Scorch. It was because I agreed and it's just a test." Thomas says. "But Tom! They're going to erase our memories! How would you ever forgive me?!! You'll just hate me!" Teresa yells now bawling her eyes out. "That's why I didn't agree!!!" Teresa says crying and she starts taking her gloves out. Thomas takes out his glove and looks at Teresa crying. Thomas or I, walk towards her and cradle her face and say "I won't hate you. I promise that. Nothing would ever make me hate you." Teresa stops crying and whispers "Promise?" "I promise." Thomas says as he slightly kiss her on the head. Teresa stops and just puts her head on his shoulder. Just standing in that potion for a long time. Not daring, letting go of each other.

Before the next video started playing Thomas yelled "ENOUGH!"
He had tears in his eyes as e continued
"I don't want to see more lies I told Teresa." He mumbled quietly. Minho and Newt came to comfort him but Thomas just waved them off as he walked away from the Gladers.

There behind him and the Gladers, a smirking Brenda and Mr. Matt were left.

EWWW!!! I seriously don't understand how people like this but this ones for you guys who beg me to update this this...
Anyway THANK YOU! ☺️

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