Teresa 3rd POV

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Teresa froze.

She immediately ran back to her bed and looked at door in panic.

After a moment Teresa slowly stood up from her bed as she stared at her door.

Her cold pale cheeks flushed as she let out a small gasp that she was holding.

Her heart beat was so fast. As she walked slowly towards the door she stood still.

She slowly put her right hand above the door lever bug she didn't open it.

After all this time, how awkward would it be.

That was the first thing that Teresa thought before this hatred booked inside her.

I have him my heart for the second time yet again he fails me and utterly destroys my glass heart.

Teresa thought as she glared at the door nob.

She then bit her lip as she thought of a reply to make Thomas go away.

She got it.

She then leaned in more and said with a broken voice

"Leave me alone, please."

She somehow felt him stiffen. How was that possible.

She felt his head lean against the door before he replied

"Alright Teresa. I- goodnight."

Teresa bit her lip harder this time before she slowly brought herself to the floor and curled up.

She had this feeling that she would've been happier with Thomas. For a moment, just a slight moment, she wanted to open the door but she refused.

Even though she didn't know what was going on, she felt torn. Her heart ached to see Thomas, to tell him that she stilled loved him but her mind was set to treating him coldly and that she should've stayed with Mark.


Teresa looked down at the floor as she whispered sadly

"What have I done. What's going on."

She stared weeping silently as she whispered

"Please, if there's a God above us, please I beg of you, help us with whatever is happening. Please, I beg you."

She weeped more as she continued

"I'm not the ones who weep for foolish things but I'm scared."

She laughed as she said weeping

"I once told a friend he should be scared because he was a human. At that time I wasn't scared of anything. Foolish isn't it. Me acting al tuff. And now...look at me."

Teresa said looking down at the floor.

"I'm scared of what is yet to come. I am scared because I still have hate in my heart. I am scared that my heart is torn between two men in my life."

She then whispered

"I am scared of dying."

The next few days everything seemed good in the ship.

Teresa forgave everyone for how they treated her but was confused when they told her that it was Mark who infected them with a serum.

How Brenda was part of it as well.

Teresa didn't believe this but then thought that maybe they were making this up because they didn't want to accept that they mistreated her badly.

She got along with all except with Thomas.

Whenever he approached her she would run away. She'd answer to his question by nodding or simple words



I don't know

Teresa still wasn't ready to confront Thomas. Not yet. So that's why she avoided him at all cost.

The before they almost arrived in paradise Teresa was walking towards her room before she felt herself being pulled.

Thomas then cornered her onto the walls as he said in a very serious  voice with his soft brown eyes

"Why are you avoiding me?"

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