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Author Note: Thank you to all my reviewers and to everyone who had read this story. This is the last chapter of the story. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter


It had been 10 years since Voldemort had fallen. Percy and Annabeth were going to meet the witches and wizards that were part of Voldemort's downfall. They had kept in touch but their lives were to busy that they did not meet as often. Today would be there first meeting in quite a long time. Nico would be there too. Luna and Nico would meet them at the station. They had gotten together after the war like him and Annabeth.

They had built a portal at camp half blood that would take them straight to england. It was useful for those who had family in england and it was a good way to communicate with family outside of America. Percy and Annabeth used the portal to get to England.

"We there yet" asked Percy

"No we are in england now, Through the portal remember. Now all we got to do is get to platform nine and three quarters. But I am pretty sure there is no such a thing as platform 9 and three quarters." said Annabeth.

They had walked from the portal to the station. They said it was close to the portal. The portal was invisible to normal humans. They had arrived to the station ad to platform nine but where percy looked there was no platform nine and three quarters. There was platform nine and platform ten but no in between.

"There is no platform nine and three quarters. Where is it?" said Percy

"Wish i knew" said Annabeth

When she had been talking to Hermione , she forgot to tell her where exactly platform nine and 3 quarter and annabeth whose mind was to busy one things had forgotten to ask where exactly where it was . Her mind was not right at that time she and been too distracted.

"This is the first time Annabeth does not know a thing. This is a moment to remember." said Percy teasingly.

They saw a family carrying luggage and owls. They were there one moment and gone the next. It seemed like they had disappeared through the barrier.

"You know i think i have found the way. All we have to do is cross through the barrier. That family seemed magical you know they had owls and luggage." said Annabeth

"Well since you seem so eager to try it out. Why don't you go first. If not you only get you head bashed into the barrier not mine" said Percy

Annabeth may or might be correct. If she was not she only gets her head hit on a barrier. Maybe they should go together.

"Let me come with you. It might actually work" said Percy

Together they walked to the barrier and they were through to another platform, another dimension but this one was filled with people waving goodbye carrying luggage and owls. wizards and witches with robes.They were all here.

"I guess this was the right place and as usual, you are right" said percy

"When am I ever wrong percy" said Annabeth

They saw Percy and Annabeth and went over to meet them.They were sending of Harry's godson teddy of to hogwarts.

Nico and luna was there too.

"Hey guys, how have you been" said Percy

They continued to talk about life and other things until it was time to go.

All was well.

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