The Devil, a Bet & Me: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We pulled up into a drive way of a huge house that has music blaring out of it. You could literally feel the vibration of the music on the car. The lawn of the house was littered with rubbish, beer bottles, people making out or just talking, and let’s not forget the few random heavily intoxicated drunk strangers staggering around the lawn with bottles of beer in their hands. I grimaced. Parties really did suck. 

“Remind me why I agreed to come with you?” I grumble as I scrunch up my nose in disgust as I see a person emptying the contents of their stomach out onto a poor bush.

“Because you love me.” Jamie states, as he gets out of the car “Hey, come on, it’s not that bad”

“It’s a lot worse” I mumble quickly, following his lead and getting out of the car.

When we enter the door, I immediately regret coming to the party. It is so cramped and filled with bodies, the music has gotten so loud that you would have to shout at the top of your lungs if you wanted to speak to a person just an arm’s length away from you. We slowly move into the house and inch our way over to where the kitchen is supposedly located.

“Do you want a drink?” Jamie shouts over to me as he goes over to the fridge and rummages through it. He and Collin are really close friends, almost like brothers.

“Do they have orange juice?” Jamie looks at me, giving me an amused expression.

“Yeah they have some here.” He replies in a knowing voice. He knows that I don’t drink. He pulls out some orange juice and some beer, and pours me a glass of orange juice while he opens his beer and starts to drink it. In the kitchen its slightly quieter than in the living room, and there are less people here.

“Well, I’m so sorry Carmine, but I gotta go…” My eyes darted up to him and a knowing smile spread across my face.

“You want to see Julie, don’t ya” I teased, knowing him all too well.

“Um…yeah” A blush crept onto his face at the mention of Julie's name. Julie is Collin’s sister. She is just a year younger than us, and Jamie has a massive crush on her.

“Go on then, get outta here” I shooed him away, knowing that he was dying to see her. I picked up my orange juice and took a sip out of it, getting a sinking feeling in my stomach at the same time as I realized that I was alone at a party. I finished my orange juice and quickly got up and walked out of the kitchen to try to somewhat ‘enjoy’ myself at this party, though I do not really see how anyone could enjoy themselves at all. The music got louder again as I pushed my way over to the huge living room, where people now were swaying and dancing to the music. I was nearly there when suddenly hand covered my mouth and pulled me into a cupboard. A strangled scream left my lips as the man’s hands roamed over my body. He had dark brown hair, and he completely smelt like beer. He was obviously drunk. He pressed his body close to mine and his lust filled eyes gazed down at me. I tried to push him back, but I was too weak compared to him. He dipped his head and started to trail sloppy kissed on my neck as his hands started to grip my clothes.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping that someone outside, would hear me. He roughly clamped his hand over my mouth, causing my head to hit the wall behind me. My sight was blurry for a few seconds as black spots covered it. The disgusting man fumbled with his pants and I thrashed my arms out at him. He stumbled back a bit and into the door, but soon gained his balance.  Anger filled his eyes as he came towards me.

Suddenly the door opened and a dark figure yanked the man and pulled him backwards in a headlock, shoving him to the ground, then proceeding to kick him a few times while saying in an angry voice “You don’t take advantage of girls, dirt-bag”.  The figure then stepped towards me and into some light. He was just a boy, around my age, maybe a year older. His jet black hair fell just over his deep blue eyes and he stared at me for a few seconds before grabbing my wrist and yanking me out of the closet. I stumbled behind him as he pulled my through the house and into the backyard. A gust of cool air washed over me and I shivered. I had nearly been…..I shivered again at the thought of it.

Luckily this guy was there to save me.

“T-thanks” I whispered as I looked up at my savior throughmy eyes lashes. “I don’t know what would have had happened if you didn’t come”

“He won’t touch you again” The boy flashed me a dazzling smile. “What’s your name by the way?” He asked me.

“I’m Carmine. What’s yours?” I asked, curious to find out the name of my savior. I still could not wrap my head over the idea of what had just happened.

“My name’s Quinton Pierce.” He said, extending his arm out, and taking my hand in his, “Nice to meet you”. My brain was still stuck at the part where he said his name. He is Quinton Pierce. My schools all famous playboy. He can’t be Quinton Pierce, although I never met the guy, this guy in front of me cannot be a playboy, who just uses girls, he seriously can’t be Quinton Pierce …Can he? 

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