The Devil, a Bet & Me: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Carmine! There you are” A voice sounding very familiar shouted from behind me. Jamie ran towards me. “Where did you go last night?” He was referring to the party….I shuddered as an unwanted thought filled my mind about what had happened at that horrible party. “Erm, I went home early”

“You could have told me you know”

“Yeah, I know, but I couldn’t find you”

We were now walking over to our next class, History, which we happened to be taking together. Last night after I found out that the guy who had saved me from the perv was Quinton, I totally freaked out. He wanted to take me to the hospital to get the cut on my head checked out, but I convinced him that it would be better and cause less trouble for me and him if he just drove me home. Luckly, no one was at home yet, not even Francis, so i didn't have to explain myself to anyone.

“So how was Julie?” I ask casually, trying to change the subject. I look over at Jamie, just in time to see a cute blush form on his cheeks before he turned his head away in embarrassment.

“shmaniareadatinnn” Jamie mumbles while bowing his head down to hide a darker shade of blush crossing his face.

“Sorry what was that? “

“sheandiaredating” Jamie rushes through the words.

“I couldn’t hear you” I say, a confused look spreading across my face.

Jamie slowly lifted up his head and took a deep breath, letting a huge million dollar smile land on his lips “I said that she and I are dating”

A huge smile spreads across my lips and I suddenly halt in my tracks and wrap my arms around Jamie, hugging him tightly.

“Congratulations” I whisper in his ear, relived that they finally got together. I mean Jamie has had a crush on that girl for ages and he deserves someone in his life that can make him happy.

“Thanks” I hear him reply, as I unwrap my arms from around his waist and step back looking around as I realise that just about everyone in the hall way is staring at us. What? Am I not allowed to hug my friends? My eyes scan the crowd of teenagers and a pair of deep blue eyes capture mine. I take in Quinton’s appearance and look into his deep blue eyes, I become completely dazed. Was he really that good looking?

Jamie’s hand grabs onto mine and he tries to pull me along with him, but I am bolted to the spot. Quinton’s blue eyes seem to grow a shade darker. Is that anger that I see in them? Is he angry at me? What did I do wrong?

“Carmine” Jamie mutters, pulling me out of my daze as I realise that everyone has already started to go into each of the classes as the second bell has rung. I finally turn around, breaking eye contact with Quinton’s swallowing deep eyes, letting Jamie tow me towards our history class.


Tap, tap tap.

Tap, tap, tap.

Tap, tap, tap.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

“Shut up” The guy sitting in front of me hisses, realising that a lot of people are looking at me like im a crazy lady.

“What?” I hiss back.

“Stop it with your stupid pen” He mutters rudely, turning back around to face the teacher. What is his problem? Was he even in this class to begin with?

I slowly process his words and realise that I was clutching my pen and violently tapping it onto my table. Opps. I flex my fingers and stuff my pen into my pencil case just as a folded paper lands onto my desk. I unfold the paper and quickly read the words scrawled over it.

Whats wrong with you today? –Jamie

I quickly write my own reply, saying, Nothing. What do you ask? I throw that paper over to Jamie’s desk, it lands perfectly in the middle of it.

I watch as Jamie glances at the paper, looks over at me and quickly scrawls some words onto it, throwing it in my direction.

I catch the flying piece of paper, before it can bounce off of my desk and unfold the crumpled paper, reading Jamie’s neat but messy handwriting.

Meet me after school at Le Café at 5.  

I look in Jamies direction, catching his eyes and nodding to respond to his message. He nods his head in return, but then something else catches his eyes and amusement crosses his features. I turn around, wondering what could have possibly been amusing, but then I realise that the crumpled piece of paper is no longer on my desk, instead it was dangling from the history teacher’s hand.

“Detention” He commands, his voice leaving no argument in it. As he turns towards his desk to take out a pink detention slip, I turn my head toward Jamie and glaring at him as he is still smiling. I have never been to detention before. This is practically a first in my 17 years of living. I don’t usually get into trouble. Actually I rarely get into trouble at school, I am normally on good terms with the teachers, well all except my History one. He seriously has his head stuck up his ass.

I walk out of the classroom, still glaring at Jamie, with my backpack thrown over my back and my mind running overdrive.

Please, god, if you are out there don’t let detention be that bad.

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