*Christmas Special* *part 1*

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Reader's POV

"I have a feeling he's gonna ask you to the dance", Kiana said, punching me arm lightly, "Of course, the all time famous Len Kagamine asking me, (y/n) (l/n) to the Christmas dance?", I asked her. She nod with a grin on her face, "How about you? The famous Hamada can't get off your head?", I asked her, then her cheeks warmed up, "You better watch it, that remains secret!". I chuckled at her reaction before the two of us went to our separate classes.

"Before the Christmas dance, we need you kids to do this project, about love", our English teacher Ms. Megurine said, I sighed at the project. How am I able to make a project about love? "I'll divide you all into pairs then you'll all make a story about love before the Christmas dance", she said, I sighed once more, Great! Pairs, I hope mine won't be someone stupid. "Okay, Miku and Dell, Yuki and Oliver, Rin and Rei, Hiro(I love big hero 6) and Rebecca(sorry if your name is Rebecca), (y/n) and Len, -", hold on, did she just say (y/n) and Len?! "Okay, now for the next 20 minutes, you go with you pairs and work on your project", Mis said, and soon everyone went to their separate ways. Len walked towards me, "Hey", he said, "Hi", I responded, I then looked towards Hiro, Kiana's crush. "God, Kiana's going to be disappointed", "Why?", Len cut me out of my thoughts, "Oh, just Hamada", I pointed my thumb towards the furry haired kid and the blonde girl who looks like she's flirting, "Oh, Kiana's crush will sink for sure", Len said. I nodded immediately, "C'mon, time for our project thinking, we have until the Christmas dance", I said, grabbing a notebook and a pen to write down some useful ideas, "Alright, you're the boss", Len said. Wait, I'm the boss? Len usually is the one taking charge of everything, group works, pairs, home works, his sister's projects, even seating arrangements, and now he gives me the authority? I'm in an alternate dimension where Len gives authority to girls like me! Then soon the two of us started brainstorming our project.

<Time Skip to Lunch time>

It was Lunch, I met up with Kiana at her table, when I saw her, she looked like she was mauled by a bear, "Hi Kians", I greeted her, she showed me a smile, "Hi", she said back. I sat in front of her, "What happened to you?", I asked, she sighed, "During Math class, our teacher gave us a pair assignment to make a research on the volume of important Christmas objects, and guess who I got partnered up with?", she said, "Who?", I asked, "The most perverted guy at school! Look what he did to me!", she said, directing at her appearance. "Wow, sorry Kians, but I got you some good news and a little bit more bad news", I said, "Let's hope your bad news is way less worse than mine", she said. "Alright, we also have a pair assignment in English, supposed to make a love story, and the good news is, Len Kagamine's my partner", I said, and with that, Kiana started fangirling, "Yash! (Ship/name) should exist!", she yelled, but happily not loud enough to be heard by the others. I started to feel my cheeks heat up, "Alright, the bad news is, you remember Hiro's in my class, right?", I asked, she nodded, "Well, he got partnered up with Rebecca", I said, her eyes widen again, then looked down. "Are you alright Kians?", I asked, she looked up at me, then nodded, "I'm alright, I-I'll try to get over it, but for now, let's talk about you and Len", she said. I gave her a sigh while eating my food, "Alright, has anything differently happened to Len, like a changed of his regular routine?", she asked, "Well, he did give me authority for our project, he said "Alright, you're the boss"", I told her. "Wow! That's so new! I need to start writing a fanfiction about this", she said, then getting a bite on her gummy bear. "Where did you get that?", I asked her, "Stole it from Hiro's bag", she said with a smirk. I sighed and gave her a smile, "If Hiro sees that missing, he's going to kick your a**", I told her, she sighed, "Eh, it's all worth it, for the gummy bears", she said, biting on another.

"What do you think the story should be about?", Len asked me, we were spending our free period working on the project, so are a lot of pairs, hardly, not Hiro and Rebecca, good news for Kiana. "I'm not sure, probably some kind of Christmas cliche", I said, at the same time, searching for love story ideas on the Internet. "Yeah, maybe", he responded, as I continue to scroll down the list of ideas, Len looked at the screen on my laptop, scooting closer to see it, I can soon feel his body lean towards mine, making me blush a little. Then a familiar pair of haze, eyes walked towards us, "Hey (y/n), hey Len", it was Hiro, the two of us greeted him back, "Do you know why Kiana looks like she was mauled by a bear?", "That's what I thought!", Len said, after Hiro's question, "Really so did I!", I joined in, "But nothing the matter, the most perverted guy in school is her project partner", I said. Hiro's eyes widen then soon went to normal, "Oh, alright, I'll...just be going now", he said, then leaving us two. "Hiro's in love with the Princess of gummies", I sang, Len laughed at my comment, "Let's get back to work, then we'll mock the relationship later", he said, placing his hand on my own, my cheeks burnt a bit, "A-Alright", I stuttered. Then the two of us continued with our work for the project.

To be continued.....

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