Chapter 9

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~Alicia's P.O.V~

Oh god! What do I do now? I can't pick up a glass! If I do, I'll have to face a wrathful Robinson. God, help me, please!

Suddenly, my phone went off. 

It was my mother.

Fear started bubbling up inside of me. I was pretty sure I reeked of fear by now.

"Are you okay?" Robinson asked, "I smell fear on you."

"I-I'm fine. Excuse me," I said before rushing out of the room.

I pressed the green button when I was sure I was at a safe distance and no one could hear me.


"ALICIA STEINFIELD! WHERE IN THE HELL'S NAME ARE YOU?" My mother's furious voice boomed out of the speaker. I had to move the phone away from my ear to prevent my ear drums from exploding.

"I-I-I'm at Anastasia's," I stuttered.

"Get your ass back to this house. We have a lot to discuss," she says in the deadly calm voice.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

She hangs up and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

I get startled as I feel someone sneak up behind me.

"Whoa, it's just me. What was that all about?" Robinson asks. I gulp.

"Uh-mm, nothing," I lie.

"I know you're lying," I look at him confused,"your heartbeat sped up. Now tell me the truth, Ali. I promise I won't judge, nor would my love for you lessen, love. I swear. But, you have to trust me and I promise I would never break your trust."

I think I should trust him. After all, he's my mate and we're to stay together forever.

So I do what I wanted to do since we met. I hug him tightly and cry into his shoulder.

"Hey, don't cry, love. Please, tell me. I want to ease your pain. I can't see you like this," he soothes.

"Let's go to the guest room. I'll tell you everything," I say and he picks me up bridal style which cause me to wince from a little pain below my knee.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry."

"No, it's not your fault. Just go," he nods and starts walking.

When we reach the room, he slowly puts me down on the bed, shuts the door and then comes back, sitting right beside me.

"My parents.... They abuse me. I was my father's daughter but my now mother isn't my biological mother. They abuse me because I'm a different specie. I am a Werewolf but I'm also a Vampire," I pause to look at him and he's staring back at me intently.

"You're a hybrid," he states the fact.

"Yes. So because of that my mother hates me, and my father abuses me because he believes I'm the reason my biological mother is dead. She died giving birth to me and she was a vampire," I cry more as I hold on to him for dear life.

"So what's they meant...."

He was talking as if to himself., "what? Who meant what?" I ask him.

"Your parents. I had gone to your house this week and I overheard them secretly talking about you. They were saying you better not tell anyone or they'll kill you. Now they are the ones who are going to die by my hands!" he shouts and gets up angrily but I hold him back. 

"No, please, don't leave. Stay with me. You can talk to the Alpha tomorrow and get them imprisoned. Till then, stay with me. I stayed away from you because I didn't want you to know. Not yet. But now you can see me," I say before taking my shirt off and his eyes flash gold. I don't know if they are because of anger or lust.

"You're still beautiful," he says making me blush,"and your body is so much more beautiful, even with those scars."

I smile and we both lay down in each other's arms and fall asleep.

But I can't get one thing out of my mind. What will happen tomorrow?


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