Chapter 5 Julius pov

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I walk into the school and people look at me and whisper. I keep my head down and walk quickly to class until someone steps infront of me. It was my sister, Rebecca. "Why weren't you home last night?!" she half yells. "I...I don't wanna talk about it.." She looks at me, more sad then angry. She then puts a hand on my shoulder "Julius...please...." She says pleadingly" Tell me..." I take in a deep breath. "I'll tell you at lunch Becca" I say then rush past her and into the classroom. The next two classes seem to fly by. My sister appears beside me as I'm walking to the outside lunch tables. I sit down and she sits infront of me. "Julius... Tell me why you weren't home yesterday.." I inhale deeply then start. I tell her about leaving the gym and getting attacked by that sexual man. I tell her about Thomas saving me and then me spending the night at his house. After I tell her evrything she hugs me tightly. "I' sorry Julius..." I hug her back. "It's okay Becca..." she pulls away and smirks a bit. "Tell me about this...Thomas boy." I blush. "Well.... He's tall...and blonde.. With the most amazing eyes.. And his body is just... Fantastic.." Pictures of him float through my mind as I think of him. Then, realizing what I said, I put a hand over my mouth and blush deeply. "I
...I didn't meant to say all that...." I say quietly. "You have a crush!?!?!?" she says and her eyes brighten. "Wait til mom and dad find out!! They'll be siked to know you have a boyfriend!!!" she says as she jumps up and down a bit. "No... They won't Becca
.. They won't like my choice... I've chosen him over a girl And I know they won't like it- "All of a sudden I'm interrupted by the class bell. I get up and start to head back inside. Becca stops me. "Don't worry about that Julius... You like him and he likes you...your happy for once hun and that's all that matters." she brushes a hand across my cheek then heads inside. I follow her. My last class seemed to fly by also, but people kept on staring at me and whispering to other people. As soon as the bell rang I gather my things and rush out of the classroom. I head out the schools main doors and spot Thomas's blue Corvette, him sitting inside with his cute sunglasses on. He sees me and smiles."Jules! " he yells and I run to his car. He gets out and hugs me, he picks me up a bit and spins me. "I missed you Jules, I was so worried that something was gonna happen to you all day." We continue to hug until he pulls away a bit and kisses me. He keeps his arms around my waste and I put on hand on his cheek. We continue to kiss until I hear Becca's voice behind me. "Julius?..." I break the kiss and turns around, a deep blush across my face. "Are you coming home today?" "Yes Becca, I'll be home later..." Thomas looks at Becca and smiles. "So..." she says "This is the magestical sexy Thomas" He chuckles softly. "That I am." he says. "Thomas, this is my twin sister Rebecca" "Nice to meet you Rebecca" "Please" she states" call me Becca and pleasure to meet you too, I've heard so much about you Thomas. Mr. Loverboy over here wpuldbt stop talking about you." I blush deeply and push Becca. Thomas Laughes and looks at me" Is that so?" he asks with a smirk. I blush even deeper. "Hey Thomas" Becca states "you should come over for dinner tonight. I'm sure out parents wouldn't mind." she smiles. "That would be lovely Becca. What time should me and Jules be over?" he asks. "Around seven." "Alright, we'll be over" he looks at me"Ready to go?" I nod and we get into the car. I wave to becca and she waves back as she walks away. "Here I got you these" Thomas says as he hands me a pair of sunglasses identical to his. I smile and put them on. "Perfect." he says then starts the car. He pulls out of the parking lot and speeds away back to his house.

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