Friday night

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Friday morning drew wakes up with big smile on his face because one it's Friday second his beautiful girlfriend last day of school she going on Christmas break and because Star Wars just came out he was so excited for this day he wanna take his beautiful amazing girlfriend Sam out to movies and then afterwards to go eat then have a Romantico walk down the beach holding hands he had it all plan out then he gets a text around 7:37am form his beautiful girlfriend he has big smile on his face like ( 3 year old boy) so happy to hear from her he texts her back then phone call to her she picks up with happy voice says hi babe and he says hey love I miss you and she says I know me to they talk for about 10mins then she has to let him go she was at school already and she had 3mins left before she was late she says bye babe he says no don't go baby and she says I know love but have to ok I love you hold your ducky I give you and cuddle with him and go back to sleep he says ok babe I love you she says I know me to babe and call ends drew doing what she said but can't sleep he just wants hold her in his arms and hug her drew starts to think and think then he was day-dreaming about being with her in there own house living together having breakfast together and cooking and cleaning and watching tv going out and everything couple does when you're married and running around playing with there kid he just thinking and thinking laying in bed saying to himself I love her more then anything I would take a bullet for her I would jump in way of a car to save her anything I love her.

The day went by I was at home cleaning up and then went to the store back home then he gets a text from her saying she pass her finals and after that time went by it was her lunch time drew knew so he call and she pick up she was in bathroom fixing herself talk for a little then she hang up time went by more drew was home missing her a lot and wanna to be with her school ended she text him say umm for something drew text that was only meant for her to see and she said her friend had the phone he sounded mad and his girlfriend Sam said clam down dam I'll call you back later ohh ok he said no plz babe don't she said you all mad and sound piss he says no babe I'm not I just wanna know what happen and then she got to her mom car she had to go her mom didn't want see her on the phone since she got out at 1 so she hang up drew feels sad because he didn't mean sound mad or anything he felt so bad he wait and wait for her call then she call they talk for awhile then they end the call drew feels sad when he call her 30mins she pick up they were talking normal like always then drew ask what you doing love she said I was writing till you call he said ohh I'm sorry want me let you go she said no it's ok now he said are you sure he felt bad she said no it's ok don't worry about it Ook he said ok then he says about what happen earlier when you got out of school sorry she says its Ook ok then she kinda sounds frustrated he ask she says no I'm ok then say I'm write I'll see you later he says ok and says I love you babe she says I know they hang up hour pass by he text her but didn't get nothing form her 3 hours pass he text and call and nothing he says to himself maybe she took a nap or getting ready for Chruch tonight he gets in the shower gets ready......... 38mins pass by he on his way to Chruch he gets a text from her at 7:14 saying hey then one after saying sorry I don't know why I know I love you but I can't feel it and 3mins after that one she says wait I can a bit a little he don't see the texts till 15mins after he got them he see them and says wait wait wait what's going on he feels sad and down and says what you mean babe I love you with all my heart you said you love me no matter what then he text her lyrics to there song the sing together drown by bring me the horizon she texts saying ohh I love that song then no more texts between them 2 hours pass Chruch is over he walking out she comes by and says hi they talk then she goes say hi to her friends he dose to then his mom leave he on the phone she comes from behind him and says hi and said forget what I text you ok and he said ok but what happen she says I'll tell you later then after awhile she leave with her to Denny's and one of them ask Drew to come to get his $&: aka butt in he dose he hold hands with Sam they smile then get to Denny's.

They both are walking together to Denny's holding hands and its like what happen earlier and what she text him was all gone they never once got in to a fight or nothing just happiness and love and she felt in her heart she loves this guy with all her will and heart he was the one who never never left her no matter what he was there how can she let him go the guy of her dreams her Hero he felt the same they walk in stop hug and hug and he ask for a kiss they kiss and kiss and one more before going in they both smile and laugh like two beautiful people in love, walk in everyone they knew were here saying ohh like cute couple they both seat alone at there own table by the window drew can't believe he with his beautiful girlfriend he loves so much they laugh and laugh not knowing what to get they finally get something they share with each other what they got they laugh and smile having a good time and beautiful date they are done get up after hour or 2 being there they are by the entrance hugging each other laughing giggleing having good time he loves her more then anything you can say he wuvs her so much drew wuvs her so much he do anything for her wuvs wuvs wuvs her so much wuv wuv wuvs wuvs wuvs his beautiful adorable momma.

They both having great night they hugging and kissing they both needed because they both miss each other a lot they wouldn't stop smiling and hugging each other it's amazing when two people truly love each other so much it's just pure happiness and love who would though these two who about 7 months ago now 8 were just friends then became best friends they would always be on the phone ever summer day / night talking Monday though Sunday up till 2am in the morning sometimes 3 one night they talk till 5am on the phone more then 4 hours just talking drew give her a kiss over the phone then Sam just giggle and smile and ask for one more then he did and did and did over more then 20 kisses over the phone she was smiling and giggling so much she sounded so cute and adorable drew said to himself they always had something talk about only once they talk till 3 mins before 6am that night she was sad drew notice that in beginning of the call she was ok then hour in to the phone call she was sad drew try he best make her happy and smile she said you can't I'm just gone I don't feel nothing then drew started crying saying how much she meant to him that he would do anything make her happy and smile even if it was only for 3sec he said how beautiful she was how her amazing smile was the best she told him not to cry drew says it's ok I love you then she said I know I love you to they both smile and laugh and giggle they talk and talk she was happy again then her mom wake up and said Sammy hang up its really late you need sleep she said ok and said goodbye Andy and Andy aka drew says I love you one last time before she hang up Sam said I know me to then they hang up but still were texting each other ahah it was so cute sending each other kisses faces and hearts then he text her I love you and she text back with a heart I love you to then both went to sleep drew wake up at 11:30am and Sam wake up at 12: something pm she call him and said good morning/ afternoon and laugh and said oh this how it feels wake up at 12 or 12 something and says my neighbor always wakes up at 12 and then says omg I'm so sorry drew laughs and says it's ok ahaha after that months went by and now back to Friday night were two were hugging and enjoying there night together there date so amazing they walk out with everyone while holding hands and hugging then time say goodbye drew didn't want to but he was being strong like a big boy you can say not clinging onto her they hug and ask can I kiss you goodbye she says sure they kiss and kiss and kiss and kiss and she bite him a little on the lip and kiss then say goodbye and hug they both get in diff cars look at each other say goodbye drive off in different directions and may I say that it was amazing night so amazing that the moon look so so so so so beautiful and amazing just right that night and my beautiful girlfriend who I I'm engaged to my happiness thanks for being in my life babe I love you with all my heart I would do anything for you even if I would break my foot for you make you happy hahah hey remember when I was walking backwards fall over the bike ahah I wuv you momma I mean babe lol see you in a bit today on Tuesday can't wait be with you I love you ❤💕💖😘

Ps you have the key to my heart that was broken ones but now fixed by your love babe

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