Basic Alphabet: Consonants

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Everyone probably already know the consonants (자음: ja-eum) but.... still

How do we pronounce (발음: ba-reum) these?

ㄱ~ G (as in Gorilla)

ㄴ~ N (as in Night)

ㄷ~ D (as in Daily)

ㄹ~ L (as in Lion) sometimes R (as in tRumpet) it's a sound in between L and R. Not necessary L or R

ㅁ~ M (as in Mom)

ㅂ~ B (as in Boy)

ㅅ~ in between S and Sh (like Sort but not so strong. SHort without the y sound)

ㅇ~ 'ㅇ' is the a consonant without sound. So if u took ㅇ and added a vowel.. like 'ㅇ'e, u will pronounce it like e. It also has 'ng' sound but that will be introduced later.

ㅈ~ J (but not so strong. Like gorGeous)

ㅊ~ Ch (as in CHocolate)

ㅋ~ K (as in Kite)

ㅌ~ T (as in Toy)

ㅍ~ P (as in Party)

ㅎ~ H (as in Height)

If you see the pic for this page, that is how you correctly write the Korean consonants

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