
5K 101 5

Reminder: if you dont know something or want to know something.. just message me. You guys can also request a chapter on what you want to know.. and I'll tag you on that chapter :)

Taxi ~ 택시 (tek-shi)

You come out of the airport and catch a taxi. You have the address of your hotel. You point at it and say?
Go here
여기 (yeo-gii) ~ here
(ga) ~ go
You can just say 여기 가 which literally translate to 'go here' RuDe
So add some fillers. (ro). Addressing the word.
*If there is no 받침 you use . If there IS a 받침 you add a word.. (eu) and make it 으로
Example : 가로, 감으로
One exception. If it ends with ㄹ, you use 로.
Example : Hotel ~ 호텔 (ho-tel) 호텔로
Instead of 가, you add 주세요 (joo-se-yo) as the ender. In English (in this case) it's acting as 'please'
Please go here

Now different situation. You know your hotel name. Then.. like English.. just replace 여기 with the name.
Geurimy 호텔로 가주세요.

여기로 가주세요.
호텔로 가주세요.

Hi! It's Geurimy! Just a heads up for the next chapter! We are gonna have a little quiz (don't worry. If you paid attention, it's a piece of cake) it's. Just for you to know what you need to 복습 more on? aint graded or anything :D so relax ~ ba-bye!!

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