Chapter Øne

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Warning: Mentions of suicide, please be careful<3

Breathing heavily, Tyler groaned at the thought of going to his new school. He'd left every friend behind at his old school. Megs.. Well, he only had Megs. The thought of it damaged him some more before he turned towards the mirror for the thousandth time in a row.

Don't forget about me, you're as pathetic as it is, at least make yourself useful and remember me.

Sorry blurry

Good, remember that time we almost went of the bridge into the river?


I do. Maybe if you cared more you'd remember

Oh fuck off

Tyler strode out, sniffling slightly before grabbing his diary. He didn't log the things he did in there, he just took his anger and sadness and place them into poems. No. Songs.

He scribbled down without realising

"I wake up fine and dandy
But by the time I find it handy
To rip apart my heart
And start planning my crash landing"

They seemed to fit together as a jigsaw which please Tyler, making him feel happier. Not happy, not okay, but better.

Queitly, he grabbed his back pack and lazily began walking out, he ignored bus mum and dad. What did they care anyway? He skipped breakfast all the time,  tea sometimes, not to mention his back was as light as a feather. In his own eyes, Tyler was a scrawny, small, ugly, pathetic person. No, he wasn't even a person.

These where the thoughts that drove BlurryFace happy, it was his motive.

He shoved head phones I to his ears as fast as possible, turning on "Gasoline" by Hasley. It was he thought of himself, it was what he was.


Large gates marked the entrance on his new school, it wasn't as posh as he predicted, nothing like it. The buildings seemed to be crumbling down in slow motion, the paint of iron structures like the fences where peeling off, it was total trash.

He liked it

Tyler made his way in, gazing round. His skin crawled at how many people walked in, many gazed at him and smiled. Others even winked or waved but Tyler was still oblivious to what to do. That was until some one grabbed his arm and pulled the rather small boy out of the flood of students.

The guy was tall, had brown hair and dear god he had a huge forhead.

"Hey there, I'm Brendon, I'll be ta-"

"I like your forehead"

Brendon giggled meanwhile Tyler kept gazing. It wasn't even a five head. A six head

"Thanks there, and I like your ripped jeans, they're super cute, like ohmygod!"

Brendon babbled on about tutor and shit like that. Meanwhile, Tyler was in his own world.

"Right, Come on then"


Tyler was suddenly being dragged away until they reached a red door, Brendon swung it open before striding in. The teacher swizzled round and smiled, giving the signal to introduce himself.

"Well hi, I'm Tyler Joseph. I moved here recently and now I'm-"

"Wonderfull, Go and sit down" the teacher cut him off

Tyler shrugged and plonked himself in the far corner of the class. Mutters where being spread and he watched as each one turned back and gazed at him. What did they want

But he soon found out at lunch, oh boy did he.

Okay so this is going to be really dark, have my pathetic humour in anddddddd have a lot of the kiss kiss (no homo ;) )


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