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When one of the boys were to ever get upset they'd comfort each other. Phil Lester, a ray of sunshine was upset. But he didn't know why. He just wanted to cry loudly and throw things around. He wanted to scream.

"Phil!" Dan's voice called out for him. He had been in bed all day. He didn't get up to eat at all. His stomach however was growling, he was hungry but he didn't want to eat. His door opened and a brown fringed boy popped his head in "Phil what's wrong?" His bright blue mixed eyes looked up at brown ones. He felt his lip tremble, he hid under his duvet looking away from Dan.

Dan came into his room anyway and sat down near him. "Come on, give me a hug." Phil made noise, he didn't want to. The duvet was pulled off of him by Dan and the next thing he knew was pulled onto Dan's lap with a hug following after.

Phil's eyes watered.

He gripped Dan's black shirt.

His nose tingled and his throat swelled up.

He cried into Dan's shoulder. He didn't scream or throw anything around like he had wanted to but sitting on his best friends lap made him calm down from doing those things. Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's shaking body, he rocked them back and forth humming slightly. "It's okay Phil."

Phil squeezed Dan tighter and his crying resulted into sniffles. Once he was better he was given two kisses to his cheeks. He blushed and stuffed his face in Dan's chest.

"Thanks Dan."

I realize that it's been forever but the phanboy in me has been gone for a while now. But I wanted to write something so I did and I hope you liked it? Even though it's short.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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