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Hello there, this is the first time I'm talking to you guys. Or anyone on here. If you like it I'll probably right more.



It was a normal day in the Dan and Phil flat. Phil had been editing a video and Dan had been in his so called comfortable browsing position. His neck fat and pale. He was scrolling through tumblr until he noticed a gif set of these other YouTubers, where they gave each other hair ruffles. Then Dan had a sudden craving.

He never liked it when someone touched his hair, Phil was lucky enough to even poke it. Though he didn't really mind when it came around him either. Shutting his laptop and setting it aside he stood and tip toed towards Phil's room. Peeking through the crack he saw him with his moose hat and clicking the mouse in between his hands.

"Phil?" Dan finally spoke after pushing the door open a little. Phil stopped and turned around an adorable smile spreading on his lips. "Yea Dan?" and then he grew nervous, he was planning on just asking him to ruffle his hair but then he took note of how ridiculous that might've sounded. So he just asked something else.

"Do you want anything? T-to eat that is."

Phil rose an eyebrow and chuckled "Sure, what are we having?"

Well shit, he didn't think about that, why was he even doing this?! It was ridiculous, just because he craved for Phil to ruffle, touch, pat his hair.

But he answered him anyway "What are you in the mood for?" Phil thought for a moment and asked if they could have Delia Smith pancakes. Even though it was after noon Dan didn't mind and made them anyway.

And he felt stupid for what he thought would happen when he gave them to Phil.

"Thanks Dan!" he smiled and brought his hand up to pat his head which had ended up making Dan's cheeks flush in happiness.

But all Phil did was thank him and commented on how delicious they were.


Dan gave up.

The whole day he had tried to find ways to make Phil ruffle his hair but nothing worked. He had been mindlessly eating some crisps while he sat and watched an anime show on the television, as he watched he saw the cute anime girl get her hair ruffled by the boy she like and Dan had ended up biting his fingers along with the crisp by accident. "Damn it!" he had licked his fingers until the pain ceased and then he felt something large on top of his head.

"You idiot." he heard him laugh and Dan brought his head up to see Phil with a cute smile on his face and with his hand on his head. The circling motions of his fingers through his locks made Dan flush lightly. He had been ruffling his hair.

"If you just wanted a hair ruffle you could've just said so."

Then they both laughed.

Well there you go, some Phan fluff. I guess. Welp hope you enjoyed that. See you later c:

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