At Tamakis House

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T.P.O.V (Time skip to well....Tamaki's house, where else? Heaven? No silly!

"Hey kyoya, can you put Kaoru on the couch? If you do can you give him a pillow and a blanket, please?" I asked. *Sigh* "Sure." Kyoya said as he picked Kaoru's head up, putting a pillow on the couch. I looked over at Kaoru, seeing his beautiful autumn coloured eyes flutter open, he brought his hand up to fix his messy auburn hair, he then looked at me and said, "Why am I here?" "I also have a question for you." I said. "What is it?" He asked, "Why were you out in the cold and not with Hikaru and *shudder* his girlfriend, Haruhi?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable knowing that she wasn't mine. "......" Kaoru had an absolute blank look on his face and said, "H-he doesn't pay attention to me anymore, he's too caught up with his girlfriend, he makes me want to die. How can he not notice I need him?" Kaoru asked with tears in his eyes. "I honestly don't know, Kaoru, but......maybe we should try to go see him?" I asked. "I doubt she would like that." Kyouya said. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "She's become a sadist. She won't like Hikaru seeing anyone, but her." He said. "That doesn't mean we can't try! For Kaoru's sake! Please?" I asked. "I suppose we could try, but, we need backup, I'll call my family's Police Force." He said while pulling his phone out and hitting numbers, he brought the phone up to his ear and mumbled some words. "Are we gonna see Hikaru?" Kaoru asked sweetly. "Yes, but only because I want my daughter back from your perverted brother." I said, a bit annoyed that he got Haruhi first, instead of me, Kaoru opened his mouth to protest but got cut off, "Okay, the Force will be at the Hitachiin household in a little bit, so let's get going." Kyouya said, gathering his stuff. "Alright, do you need help getting up Kaoru?" I asked, he shook his head in response and got up and stumbled forward, trying to walk to the door.
(Time skip to the Hitachiin household, cuz I'm too lazy :p)
Hikaru P.O.V

I heard a knock at the door, so I got up to answer it, glad that Haruhi wasn't awake to jump up and answer it before me. I took long strides to the door and opened it seeing Tamaki and Kyouya standing in front of me, I also saw a pair of feet behind them, but I couldn't see who it was. "Oh, hi Tamaki-Senpai and Kyouya-Senpai." I greeted them awkwardly. "Hi." Came Kyouyas harsh reply and Tamaki was just glaring at me. "Have you not been worried about your brother?!" Asked Tamaki, shaking with anger. "Of course I have been, but Haruhi wouldn't let me look for him. Is that him behind you guys?" I asked, pushing them away, seeing that it was him I squealed and squeezed him in a death hug. "Oh Kaoru, Kaoru, Kaoru! I'm so sorry, I missed you so much!" I pulled away from him to look him in the eyes and said, "I'm gonna break up with Haruhi because while you were gone, I realised just how much I love you! It might seem sappy and cliché, but I love you and I always have, I just thought you didn't like me and you seemed to keep your distance after I kissed so, I asked Haruhi out thinking I wouldn't have an empty hole where my heart should be, but she made it worse." I said, meaning every word. " I love you too Hik-" Kaoru tried to say, but got cut off by a high pitched scream of anger and that's when I saw Haruhi run through the door and I knew I was fucked. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO THINK YOU CAN BREAK UP WITH ME?!" The she-devil screamed and at that moment, I didn't know what to do. But I knew, me and Kaoru were screwed.

Hey! I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry this took me five years to write, but here it is! I don't know how it turned out, it might be crappy so :p but I thought it's about time I should post that chapter, so I did. Merry Christmas biatches!

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