➳ 35: while you were sleeping

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AS a parting gift, Katherine injected Elena with a strand of the ripper virus. Caroline went to Wes' lab to search for the antidote only for it to be a different strand laced with werewolf venom. To get the antidote, Stefan had to meet her and Enzo at a traveler camp a few hours outside of town. Not wanting to go alone, Stefan called Efah and gave her the address along with his arrival time.

Efah sat at the boarding house, watching the clock until it got to the exact time Stefan claimed he'd get there and dissipated into thin air. Reappearing at the location she was given, the archangel glanced around at her surroundings. It was an abandoned train station with several train cars still left on the tracks.

A familiar red car pulled up along the gravel and Efah teleported across the way. Stefan put the car in park and jumped at the sudden tapping at his window. Whipping his head around, he saw a brunette with one green eye and one white eye and breathed out in relief. He threw the door open while shooting her a playful scowl. "You can't keep doing that."

"You have to get used to it eventually." Efah remarked pointedly with an amused smirk on her face and her hands on her hips. "It has been over a year."

"Shut up." He mimicked her laugh before leaned his head down to kiss her tenderly on the lips. When he pulled away, he reached down to grab her hand and the couple walked further into the camp. "Why do you think they asked us to be here?"

"You. They asked you." Efah corrected causing him to roll his eyes. "I'm here because you asked me. Also I don't trust Enzo or travelers."

"That's you and me both." Stefan agreed as they spotted Caroline, who was waving them down.

When they caught up to her, the trio wandered around the camp while waiting for the travelers. Stefan and Caroline were talking about everything Damon did after his break up with "Elena" and how he needs to be honest with her about all of it.

"He'll tell her." Stefan said confidently and they began to walk along side one of the trains.

"When?" Caroline asked quickly, not believing in Damon's ability to be a good person.

""Hey Elena, I killed Aaron." It's not exactly casual conversation." Stefan pointed out.

"For Damon, maybe." Efah commented smugly and smirked deviously. "Murder is as casual as it gets for me."

"Killing someone in cold blood isn't casual but Damon managed that just fine." Caroline snarkily remarked.

Efah suggested in aggravation, pointing a finger at Caroline. "No one here has the right to judge anyone else."

"Or I can just tell her." Enzo offered up as he approached them. "Considering I was lying in the road when he stopped his car." He admitted simply and narrowed his eyes at Stefan, challenging him.

Stefan rolled his eyes and shoved his hands, along with one of Efah's, into his jacket pocket, hiding them from the harsh, cold air. "So... what's in this for you, aside from getting Damon to undo every positive decison he's ever made?" He passive-aggressively questioned, his tone bitter.

Enzo smirked at his attitude and laughed at him. "Is it such an anomaly for Damon to have a friend?" He asked curiously and Stefan flattened his lips before shrugging his shoulders while Efah rocked her head side to side and making a face. "Well, if so, consider me honored."

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