➳ 48: the more you ignore me, the closer i get

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EFAH was still sitting in the car waiting for Stefan to return. She was humming along with the song on the radio and staring up at the night sky through the window. Getting an odd feeling, she turned the radio off to listen in to her surroundings. The archangel focused her senses on reading for Stefan. She smiled in relief after finding him then paused at the person she read next.

In the Salvatore Mausoleum, Stefan was clinging to someone with a masculine stature with tears in his eyes and a mixed look of amazement and incredulity. They clapped Stefan fondly on the back. "I missed you too, buddy."

"I can't believe it." Stefan remarked in astonishment as they pulled away from the embrace. "I thought you were gone."

"Well, you didn't think I was gone gone! I promised you an eternity of misery." They reminded Stefan while gripping affectionately at his shoulders.

"And here I thought I'd never have to deal with you again. Pity." Efah jokingly commented from behind them, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest.

They both whipped around at the sound of her revealing that the person hugging on Stefan was none other than Damon Salvatore. Damon grinned widely after meeting Efah's mismatched eyes and he crossed the floor to engulf her in a hug. He squeezed his arms tightly around her, rocking them both back and forth. "Oh, I've missed you, little Efs."

Efah chuckled while returning the gesture, squeezing harder and crushing his ribs. "I missed you, asshole."

He gasped out for air and grabbed her shoulders, trying to pull away before she pierced a lung. "Efah... you're killing me."

Letting go, she smirked deviously at him and placed her hands on her hips. "While I'm absolutely thrilled you're here, how did you get out and where the hell's Bonnie?"

Damon groaned lowly in pain as his ribs reset themselves. He rubbed at his side with a glare in her direction and began telling them about the last three days. "She sacrificed herself so I could come back. But, I don't want anyone to know. No sense making this harder than it already is."

Efah nodded in understanding, having done the exact same thing when it came to Damon, and Stefan looked over at her, finally understanding what it felt like to be in her shoes.

"Anyway, long story, big flash of light, two decades worth of jet lag. I will explain all of my adventures in that flannel hellscape, but first, there's someone I got to go see." He started to make his way toward the door, grasping Stefan's shoulders affectionately as he did so.

"Yeah... that may be a problem." Efah commented knowingly then let out a heavy deep breath and prepared herself to give him the news. "Elena reprogrammed her memories after you bit it. In her mind you're a psychotic monster who murdered her brother. You know, everyday shit."

Damon stopped in front of the door to the mausoleum and turned to face her, shocked and appalled. "She did what?"

Stefan hesitated for a second, shifting nervously on his feet. "...She had Alaric do it."

"I just need to see her! Our eyes will meet, fireworks will go off, and the balance of nature will be restored." Damon tried to convince them, more like himself, through gritted teeth. "She loves me!"

"That's not how that works." Efah argued pointedly while giving him a look. "You can try but don't be surprise when she doesn't react fondly. She's been talking some mad shit about you. Not exactly your biggest fan." The celestial informed him then snatched the bottle of bourbon from hands and took a sip.

Devil in Disguise ➳ S. Salvatore [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now