My Name

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The bell rang and the students poured out the the class rooms. Brooke closed her book and shoved it into her bag. As she made her way towards the door, she snuck a peek at Cory. He was looking at her. Her heart skipped a beat. Does he like me? She thought to  herself. Duh, of course not. Silly me, he doesn't even know my name how could he like me.

The doors to outside swung open and the cool crisp air welcomed Brooke outside. She was in desperate need of fresh air. Brooke walked over to the nearest bench and sat down. She pulled out her book (she was reading The Book Thief) and out came her essay for English. The papers took flight into the wind. Only for a moment though, for someone had caught  them. And that someone was Cory.

"Is this yours?" He questioned.

"Yes. It's mine." She said as she nodded.

"Well, here." He handed the papers over to Brooke.

"Thank you." She looked down at the ground. Attempting to hide her smile.

"I don't believe we officially met. I'm Cory James Hallor. But you can just call me Cj."
He held out his hand. She shook it.

"What's your name?" He raised a curious eyebrow.

"My name is Brooke Iris Lashstern. But you can just call me Brooke." She added with sarcasm. He smiled. Which made her blush.

The bell rung in the distance. Their eyes met once more and they started to head off back into the building.

"I'll see you in English tomorrow." He said to her with a smirk.


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