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June 6th, 2048 :

"Emerson Grand, the newly congress -elected premier is receiving immense criticism after his very first public appearance since his inauguration. Citizens are protesting that he is mentally unfit for the job-"

The TV that dimly lit my father's face went black.

"Why did you-"

"It's all garbage Q. All of it." He groaned and pulled himself of the couch.

I sighed at his comment, similar to the other comments about our screwed-up government that he made only everyday.

"Ok well I'm leaving, can you tell Wyatt?"

My 12 year old brother had begged me to take him to his best friend's house but he was grounded by my dad, and I wasn't willing to risk my own privileges tonight.

He gave me a lazy "mhm" as he left the room and I grabbed my noisy house keys from the wooden table by the door.

I headed out the door into the drizzly rain and pulled my hood over my head as I made my way down the empty street.

The metro was oddly occupied with just a few other people. I sat down in the grimy metal seat and braved myself to endure the ride. The plan was for me to meet Brennon, the boy I had been seeing, in Bellmere, which was a two and a half hour ride from my house.

The metro was every poor family's transportation in the cities. It was either that - or you walk.

The lights flickered in the metro and the buzzing sound woke me up out of a sleep I didn't know I was in. I looked around and noticed I was the only one still on. I panicked as I realised I might've missed my stop. To make it worse the self- automated metro added to the eeriness as I was essentially completely alone. I heard a muffled voice and looked behind me to find it was a television hung from the ceiling.

I stood up and pressed my fingers against the plexiglass windows to try and see something I recognised but all I could see were city names I had never heard of.

"Shit." I said to myself starting to feel concerned that I was much farther then where I was supposed to be.

An alarm of some sort startled me and I spun around to the TV which flashed bright red and said "state of emergency" across the screen. My head spun with a mix of fear and confusion. I froze in my place before the metro slammed to a halt and the already dim lights got dimmer. I was trapped.

It might seem insane that a state of emergency could've occurred in a matter of hours, but these days the cities were chaotic and run by the most corrupt government in history. Although I wasn't surprised, I was terrified.

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