Chapter 4

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L.Jacks Pov (Not edited)

Jeff has been acting really strange lately. I mean its not like I stalk him or anything, but that's beside the point. I've noticed that he's been keeping his distance from, everybody, but mostly me lately. It's like he avoids me on purpose, everytime I see him I wave and he just turns away. When I tried talking to him the other way, he completely ignored me and talked to Ben. I was a bit disappointed, I know him and me aren't really friends yet, but I didnt think he would or could stop talking to me yet. I mean I get were he's coming from though, I have kept my distance as well but that is for a different reason. I have a little surprise for him that I can't show yet. I'm not sure if he likes me back yet, I guess I shouldn't have not let him in the dark like that. I got up and thought maybe I should talk to him.

I guess he really isn't in a good mood since we have to find the proxy. It's going to be hard work. Especially, when we don't know were to start first. I sighed and knocked on Jeff's door. "Hey Jeffie, you in there?~", I didnt hear a sound coming from the other side of the door but I decided to knock once more just in case he didn't hear me. "Jeff, its me Jack. Laughing Jack, you know that weird emo clown. You know I wouldn't call myself emo since I laugh alot". I laugh and shake my head, "but you cant tell with people these days". I hear a groan and then a thump, I snicker a bit. I hear a click and the door opens. Jeff looks like he just crawled out of hell, or maybe just woke up.

You never know with this guy .

" What do you want.. And stop talking to yourself you weirdo. I can hear you". I smile innocently and scratched the back of my neck. "Heh, s-sorry Jeffie. I didn't mean to wake you up, maybe I should go then?". As I was about to walk away I felt a hand grab my suspenders. I jumped and he let go making the suspenders slap my back. " OWW". I yelled a rubbed my poor back. I looked up at him.. Wait why am I on the floor? Never mind forget it its not unsual."Oh no you don't, you made me wake up and now you're going to tell me why you're here." He looked dowm at me while he crossed his arms. I chuckled and smiled I was still confused about how I ended up on the floor though. " Ok, ok fine".


I sat on his bed and looked at him groggily while he goes to his desktop. "Well, what do you want?", I looked at him and sighed. "Well you know how we have to find the proxy together? Well I might have a clue were he or she might be. I have a feeling it might be a girl because last time we had a boy. The year before that a girl so I figured it might be a girl? No?". He sighs and lays on his desk, "Great just great. Another women who would be as annoying as ever". I laughed it off "Well I guess we should look for the proxie today or maybe some clues". He sighs and nods "Alright but just this once I dont like dealing with women there so.... Mean and.. Scary too they always complain and its soooo annoying ". I shake my head.

  " Grow up and deal with it, sometimes you need to grow some balls" Before I go, I stop at his door "Hurry up and get ready lazybones we don't have all day" I say as I walk to my room. Well I didnt tell him what I really wanted to tell him. I wanted to maybe go on a picnic but I thought maybe I should or make him think we are going to find the proxy, but really its just us going to a park and eat later on. I mean we are gonna try to look for the proxy but, since I didn't tell him that I liked him I might as well talk to him about it when we're searching. Right? Yeah I know I'm smart. I would have told him when I was in his room but it would have been very awkward if he was straight and then we have to go search. Awkward.


I never thought I would like Jeff to be completely honest. I thought Ben would be the last guy I liked in the mansion. Guess I was wrong. No one knew I liked Ben but him, we were going to go on a date but he had to go on a last minute mission. I think he had to go save... To be completely honest I dont remember but I'm sure he didn't have to go save a cat though. Or did he? I don't know any more.

I layed down on my bed and thought about it a little more. I guess since Jeff wasn't really around at the time I didn't or I thought maybe I wont like another guy, but...I sighed. " Just forget about it Jack you're starting to over think now". " Jack what did I tell you about talking to yourself??". I jolted up and chuckled when i heard Jeff's voice on the other side of my door. Where he's probably standing very close to it. So close that if i open it he would fall on the ground. " Hey stop being a stalker wont ya?". He laughed "Hey don't flatter yourself, I only came here to tell you that I'm ready to look for the proxy!". Oh shit! I almost forgot. Was I really thinking for that long??

  I wasn't ready but I wasn't going to tell him that. I quickly grabbed my grey sweatpants, black shirt and my black hightops. They were converse cuz I'm so cool. Not the Walmart kind though. I quickly put every thing on, when I finished tying my shoe I fixed my hair while grabbing onto the handle. I stopped when I was about to open the door when remembered something. Oh right, I went to my bed to look for the present I was going to give Jeff but it was there. What the- I looked under my bed and under my covers but it wasn't there. I figured it might have been somewhere else, maybe on the floor or closet. Good thing I cleaned my room before I lost it.

After a few minutes I still couldnt find the fucking thing. " Where the hell are you" I silently whispered. I had to find it quickly. Jeff was still waiting outside.

Jeffie's Pov~

Jack was in his room for what felt like an hour but it was only a few minutes. I heard him running here and there at time like if he was looking for something. I heard him whisper "Where the hell are you". As if he didn't want me to hear him say that, but since he talks very loud his 'whisper' sounded like his normal voice. It doesn't bother me its just one of the things I like about him. I mean, I wouldn't say like.. But, I don't really know how I feel about him and I'm sure he doesn't feel the same since he liked Ben and probably still does. I asked Ben.

  He was the only person in the mansion that I could trust the most without everyone knowing. I still don't know how I feel but its a weird feeling. He was smirking and keeping something from me when I told him how I feel about Jack but he wouldn't budge when I kept asking. The jerk. I don't want anything to be weird around us so I keep it in, but I know I should tell him sooner or later. Maybe when we're searching for the proxy.

I finally heard the door open and I saw Jack have a ' I'm so sorry for taking so long' look. I chuckled and said it was ok and we headed out.

Well I feel like it was kinda short I don't know maybe its just me. I havent edited it yet but I hope its not that bad hope you like. And I know about my other two stories. I haven't updated I know I need to find my journal for those books, where I have all my ideas but I cant find it ahh. This story it just flows I don't need to wright it down but it will get interesting as I put more chapters its only the beginning of this love triangle. Yup love triangle. Drama is a foot!!

Couldn't stop myself ( Laughing Jack x Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now