Chapter 21

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(An A/N will be at the end pls read it)

Bryan and Jordan said their goodbyes and returned out of the room, muttering something about which hotel is closest and how much money they had left. I laid there, accepting their gentle hugs which I couldn't return. Kyle had left my hand, talking to the doctor instead about the arrangements for sleeping and contacting.

I can't believe this. I'm not insane. I convince myself everyday that I'm totally fine, but this just feels like an excuse to get me down to the mental ward to check out this 'schizophrenia' thing. I don't have it. I'm not mental. I'm not schizophrenic. If anything I just worry too much. No one realises that only I can see them, only I can see the death and destruction that they make. What if this is a ploy? What if they are here? They could kill you, they could be anywhere.

"Shut up! That's it, get me out of here I don't want to be here!" I screamed. The nurse only called for more doctors as Kyle stood there in floods of tears. A couple of nurses came and took my struggling arms and held them down still. My legs couldn't move, I wouldn't be able to kick them out of the way. The nurse who I thought was a genuinely kind person then took out a needle with some sort of liquid in from the draw beside me. He then slowly pushed it into my arm, then everything became fuzzy. Kyle was fuzzy, the nurses were fuzzy. Then I couldn't see Kyle. Then I couldn't see the nurses. Then I couldn't see anything.

"You've got far to learn, boy." Johnnie's head picked up and looked towards the cloud of ash and smoke. He was strapped down to a chair in a dark room. A single light was shining down on him and the cloudy figure, much like a typical horror movie. Johnnie only began to laugh at what the thing had said, spitting at what he thought was its feet.

"You can't teach me shit. Fuckin' try-" Johnnie couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a sharp sting across his left cheek. It wasn't a slap because his head didn't move, but it sure as hell felt like one.

"You can resist, Johnnie, but you won't be resisting for long." It fell forward and rested its lanky thin arms either side on the armrests where Johnnie's hands were tied.

"And what exactly is the shitty treatment you desire to put me through?" Johnnie felt a metallic taste build up in his mouth, but only ignored it.

"It's not as bad as you think, we won't hurt you that bad. You'll just have to wait," Johnnie could feel it's breath hit his face, smelling of pure smoke and death itself "you'll see soon enough." With that it backed off, fading into the growing light.

Lightness and a bright white filled the room. The walls started to show pure white and Johnnie found himself no longer stuck to his chair, but able to move around. He moved his arms and legs, loving how he could actually move. Johnnie knew he was only dreaming, so he took the ability to move into his own hands and stood up, letting the chair fade into non existence.

He walked over to the walls, feeling with his hands the smooth surface. The walls weren't rough in the slightest, they felt just like marble. He then looked down at the floor which was a soft white marble too, along with the ceiling. Then he started to wonder where the light was coming from. There were no obvious or hidden light sources, only light emitting from the walls.

The metallic taste in Johnnie's mouth grew stronger, now turning into a liquidised feeling. It felt as if he was producing saliva at an inhumane speed. He opened his mouth and felt the liquid drip slowly into the floor. He then picked his hand up and felt his tongue and then looked at his hand. Blood.

Blood was dribbling out of his mouth, a dark reddish colour was pouring from the ceiling, staining the walls as it fell. The floor was starting to fill with blood, centimetre after centimetre building up slowly as Johnnie stood there. He wasn't in shock. If anything, he knew this was going to come.

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