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For the next week, Tatiana found herself paranoid about Vic. To the point of walking to and from school in her wolf form. She gave up suppressing her wolf half, deciding it was more important to hide from her creepy stalker who now had a general idea of where she lived. She tried to convince herself that the boy claiming to be named 'wolf' and her being a wolf shapeshifter was just a strange and creepy coincidence. But she couldn't shake the feeling that he was mocking her. But, for him to do that, he needed to know, or at least, suspect her. 

Tatiana crept out from behind the trailer. Her chestnut brown fur was bristling with anticipation. The tin fences around her house blocked all but the street view, so she'd hid behind the trailer, deciding it was better than changing form in her room and trying to get out without her family or cat noticing. That was mission impossible.

Tatiana loped across the yard, then down the road.

When she turned the corner at the end of the street, she was not even surprised to see Vic leaning against a tree- obviously waiting for her.

His gentle face looked tired, and she couldn't help but notice his right arm was now wrapped in a once-white bandage. He had changed into newer looking jeans and wore an orange shirt under a blue hoodie. His cheek was also bruised anew, with what looked like a boot print. It was strange; Whenever they had talked, he didn't seem like the kind of person to get into fights. He was like a puppy, she realized with a jolt. Maybe that man had a reason for calling him that. He seemed like a young innocent child who had never experienced the real world.

He turned his cool, blank gaze in her direction, and their eyes locked.

Tatiana almost stopped walking.


She had to deliberately and consciously move each limb, only managing a trot. She tore her eyes away from him, forcing herself to look straight ahead of her, weaving through a family of people taking their children to the primary school a few streets down, but she kept one ear discreetly turned towards him, and all her senses were suddenly switched on high again. Her dark eyes were wide, despite the bright sun.

It wasn't long until she was aware of the sound of footsteps jogging after her, and the sweat and metallic scent of the blood that stained his bandage. Although the blood was a strong scent, Vic himself smelled of gum trees and dust. Of sweat, wet hair, and recent adrenaline.

He quickly caught up with her, and she finally stopped. His cold stare had changed to a gentle gaze as he placed a warm hand on her shoulder. His hand was hard but gentle, large but delicate. He crouched beside her, slowly moving his hand up her neck, and resting it between her ears where he began the scratch.

Although she wanted to get away from him and to hurry to Kanon's house where she could change form, it was such a pleasant feeling. She leaning into his hand, willing him to continue.

A new scent reached Tatiana's nose at that point. The smell of sweat and anger, as well as something that made Tatiana cower behind Vic. She'd learned not to trust him for protection already, but maybe he liked dogs more than people. She hoped that he did.

Vic stood up, taking a protective stance in front of her as the large bearded man approached.

"This your dog?" The man asked in a gruff and hoarse voice.

"Who's asking?" Vic replied calmly, but Tatiana could smell adrenaline already pumping through his body. They both knew not to trust this man.
The scent that had scared Tatiana, she now recognized as the smell of someone else's fear, rubbed off on him.

"I work for the pound," The man crossed his arms, puffing his chest out and trying to look intimidating to a young teen. Did he really see a point? Vic was clearly already intimidated. His hands weren't crossed or in his pockets, so he was far from calm, "This here dog's been wandering around for a while with no collar, and I've gotten a few complaints about it disturbing peoples' pets-"

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