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Taree pulled her knees to her chest, staring at her bed sheets numbly. She knew she couldn't blame Bobby. He was only pointing out the truth, but it was a truth she wasn't ready for. Perhaps it would be easier to simply let it all go. After all, she was no closer to finding the antidote. Part of her thought it would be better to leave Kako in the coma. Taree finally felt safe. She had a family that was prepared to protect her with their lives, she hadn't been attacked for a few weeks, since she'd dyed her hair, and, while she had no direction for career, she didn't feel as though she needed it. She had her family, and she could stay with them. Suddenly, if she wanted, she could live like Aeschylus, wild and savage. Where her only concerns were survival, without worrying about people, or money. It would be a hard life, but in some ways, it could be easier. 

If she just stayed there, took care of her family, kept her head down and lived a simple life, perhaps it would all turn out ok. It would be far easier than trying to fix everything...

She glanced up as the door clicked open, but looked away before she saw who it was. 

"Go away Vic," She sighed, burying her face in her knees and digging her toes into the sheets, "You can't help. Bobby was right, I just need to let go. He's the only part of my old like that I'm clinging to, and it just hurts me. I just need to... Forget him..." The rest of the words caught in her throat as tears stung her eyes again. She took a deep breath, her voice barely a whisper, "I just need to accept that nothing from then was real. None of it mattered... It was all a lie..."

She felt her bed shift as he sat beside her, but still, she didn't look at him. He sat in silence for a long moment, as though unsure of what to say. He rested a hand on her food reassuringly, before pulling it away and leaning forward. Taree frowned, Vic was never shy about touching her. While he respected her boundaries, he was a very physical person, especially to his family. So it came as no surprise that the voice she heard was not Vic's.

"My mate had a... Similar reaction to me..." Aeschylus sighed, "She had no idea that creatures like us could exist, so when I showed her that I'm not just a dingo, like she thought, she... See, she wasn't a fan of humans. Understandably so, since taking on her lifestyle I've met a fair few disrespectful tourists and angry farmers," he chuckled, as though recalling adventures with her mate, before falling silent again. "I can only imagine what it must be like, to go your whole life not knowing something this big. Even worse when it's about yourself. At least she knows what she is." 

Taree glanced at him briefly. He was looking away, his bronze hair hanging loose and unbrushed over his bowed face. He was leaning on his knees, his hands grasped tightly. 

"Anyway, my point is..." he sighed again, running a hand through his hair, "Don't just... Accept it. Sure, you didn't know it, but now you do. It wasn't all a lie, was it? I don't know what happened while you were gone. I want to, Ree, I really do, but you all seem to want to pretend it didn't happen. But you can't. Those were real experiences, and they made you who you are today. Maybe... Maybe you should keep in touch with friends? The people you grew up with. If you're that close, they should accept it. They're probably missing you."

He slowly turned his head to see her staring at him. She smiled gently, looking away. 

"My last brother never gave me advice like that. He just teased me and treated me like a kid," She said quietly, smiling gently as she recalled their fights and his condescending nature. 

"You... Had another brother?"

Taree flushed, turning to stare at him, "You really don't know?"

Aeschylus shook his head, "All mum said was that Vic found you, and left it at that."

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