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Taree glanced up from her laptop, to see the small puppy, Bobby, climbing onto her bed. She smiled at him, as she shifted, and sat cross-legged on her sheets. She had been rather surprised to find that the puppy she'd seen with Vic was, in fact, her younger brother.

She ruffled his hair playfully as she stood up, "Ready for school?"

Bobby nodded excitedly, jumping back down. He was dressed in a dark maroon and blue uniform, which was tattered at the hems. He brushed his hair back from his eyes, and followed her silently out of the room, grabbing his bag from the hallway. Taree lead him through to the living room, which was the first room from the front door.

"Oh, morning honey," Sharon called cheerily, sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee. Vic and Bobby had told her that she wasn't usually this happy, and they both blamed her arrival for their mother's content.

"Hey, Sharon," Taree replied. She wasn't prepared to call her mother yet. She'd only been living with them for a few weeks, but had already slipped into their morning routine, "I'm gonna walk Bobby to school."

"Take Vic with you," Sharon call quickly, stopping her before she opened the door, "He's hardly left his room now that he's found you. He could do with some fresh air."

Taree shrugged, and strolled towards the stairs. They lived in a large house, with two stories; The top story taking up only half of the surface area, with a balcony to look into the living room and to the front door. She quickly climbed to the second level, skipping every second stair.

The second floor had more bedrooms than the bottom floor, which was made up of the kitchen, living room, an unused study and Taree's new room. The second floor held five small rooms, all renovated into bedrooms. Vic's room was closest to the balcony on the left, across from their parent's room. Next him was Bobby's room, across from an empty room. The room at the end of the hall had been unused for years until Quin moved in with them, deciding that she couldn't stay with the Prince's without Taree

"Hey, Vic," She called, "I'm taking Bobby to school, wanna come? I'll shout you an icecream, if you want."

She pushed open his door, and smirked. He truly was the embodiment of a teenage stereotype. Tatiana's room was tidy, partially because she had nothing to mess it up with, but she had always prided herself on her organisational skills. It was clear that the two siblings hadn't grown up together, as Taree picked her way across the floor, dodging the discarded drawings, clothes, small sheathed knives, and stationary tools. She finally reached his bed, and pulled his sheets off him. He groaned, and rolled over to glare at her with his tired yellow eyes.

"What do you want?" He muttered with a voice that clearly hadn't been used all day.

"I'm taking Bobby to school," She repeated, "You're coming too." Vic growled an objection, something about it being too early for life, but Taree wasn't listening as she turned and strode out of the room, "Get dressed and come downstairs now. We've only got a few minutes before we have to leave."

She paused, glancing down at a piece of paper on the desk. Unlike most of his drawings, which were dumped in various piles around his room and, occasionally, around the house, this picture seemed to be placed on the desk rather carefully. He hadn't been working on it-there were other pictures at the seat, but it hadn't been cast aside either. This one was important.

She gently picked up the drawing and smiled softly as Vic slowly rolled out of bed.

It was an unfinished sketch of Bobby, grinning brightly, in the arms of a faceless woman. The woman's features were generic, as though Vic wasn't sure what she looked like. She glanced up at him as he pulled a shirt over his head, and buttoned up his jeans, "Who's the girl?"

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