Chapter 40

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*Zoey's POV*

My head hurts a lot. What happened? I opened my eyes only to be blinded by a bright white light. Oh god please don't tell me that I am in the hospital again? God I dread the hospital. I sat up, there were five lumps in the chairs. I wiped my eyes and sat up straight. "H-hello." I said a whisper barely came out. I spoke again even though my throat was burning a lot, I am really thirsty. "Guys wake up." I said, this time it was a lot louder. "Hmph, what? Oh my god guys she's awake!" Louis said as he got up and was about to run but tripped and fell flat on his face. I giggled but none of them heard, or so I think. "She just giggled!" Niall and Harry exclaimed making me jump a little bit. "God you scared me." I said, it made me sound like I lost my voice. That is because it was all croaky. "Is there any water?" Liam began to ask as he started to look around. I rolled my eyes and shook my head while sighing. "Do you know what happened?" Zayn asked. I started thinking and nodded. I remember seeing Colton, he- he was almost dead! "Where is Colton?! I said as I started to pull of the sheets, where is he? "Zoey you can't get out of the bed, you are connected to the machines." Louis said after getting up from the floor, I was now in the ground standing up. I started to rip off the wires that were connected to my skin. "No! He's not here Zoey, Colton isn't here anymore." Liam shouted but whispered the last word I could barely understand what he said but I did know what he said. "What? What do you mean anymore?" I asked emphasizing on the word anymore. "Well it's just that uh, he couldn't make it." Niall said in the verge of tears. I am shocked that Niall was about to cry, but I started crying, I can't believe that Colton didn't make it! Oh my god! Why did he leave me? He is the only one that actually cared about me! Why Colton, why the hell did you have to leave me?!? "When?" I asked with a shaky voice. "When what?" Harry asked. "When did he die?" I hissed with even more tears running down my cheeks. "Uh 2 days ago." Zayn said in a whisper. I looked up, since I got back on the bed already, I couldn't believe what he just told me. Two days ago? "How long was I out?" I asked wiping my tears away. "About 5 days." Liam answered. I nodded sadly, "wait so I have two questions." I said putting up two fingers." They nodded, but then someone bursted through the door. "Is she awake? How is she?" Aw it was Jay! She came back! I smiled when I saw her, she smiled and tears ran down the cheeks, and ran to me hugged me. I hugged her back still smiling, I missed her a lot. "How are you feeling honey?" She asked me as she pulled away, I scooted over so she could sit down which she did. "I'm alright but I just found out that a guy that I liked died two days ago." I said in a shivery voice. She sighed and started caressing my hair. "Everything's going to be alright." She whispered and then kissing my head. I could tell that she loves me, she is very motherly, I wish I had that kind of mother. "Wait so Jay you answered my first question now my second one. Are we out of school?" I asked with hopeful eyes. They chuckled and nodded. I mentally did a fist pump. Two weeks of vacation, I better start packing for whatever clothes I have. "Oh Zoey, Louis is going to have a party and of course you are invited." Jay said smiling. What? I cannot possibly be invited to a party from the most popular guy in school. Oh wait I can! "Uh I don't think I can go, I don't have anything to wear." I said trying to get out of that situation. "Oh don't worry Katie bought you a dress already." Jay answered smiling. Where is Katie and the other girls?

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