Chapter One

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Being a superhero is the most amazing feeling ever. In my opinion I am the greatest superhero ever, I'm so much better than Superman and Hulk and that pompous idiot Batman.... I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself. How about I start from the beginning......

My name is Nico Santiago and I'm.... a Superhero. I know it sounds farfetched but hear me out... Where was I? Oh yeah, My name is Nico Santiago... I may not look it but I'm the world's greatest superhero..... Façade. I'm roughly 6'2", about 200 lbs. I'm the captain and midfielder for my school football team. I am dark skinned with brown eyes and greasy black hair. Oh and we can't forget the fact that I'm schizophrenic and have multiple personalities. Now that I've told you about us, let me tell you about Façade. As Façade I am one of the most powerful persons to ever exist. What are powers you may ask yourself, well let me tell you.... My powers, well the main one I use is the reason for my name. The power I use the most is the power to manipulate reality henceforth creating.... a façade. It's pretty cool once I got the hang of it and learned to keep my emotions in check. My other powers are flight, super speed.... (I make flash look like a sloth), super strength, the ability to imagine whatever I want and energy manipulation. But I mean, you could see why I don't use those, but anyway.
My parents always knew I was different from age 4.... First thing's first I started referring to myself as we, then came the depression and social withdrawal and incomplete.Then at age 6 I started imagining I had a pet dragon and then Willian appeared.... You could guess my parents made me imagine him away. Then the rest of my powers kicked in. Then I decided to become a super hero and here we are.

So here we are, in my second to last year of class trying to remember if I overslept or insomnia crippled me again when my French teacher Mademoiselle Alexis snapped me out of my reverie. "Nico?" she asked "Would you like to answer the first question?" "Il y a vingt-sept membres" I rattle off without batting an eye. She looks at me, smiles and says "Very good Nico" as she normally does. We smile back at her then correct our book in our corner with the answers we rushed down the period before. French is our favorite subject because we seem to excel in it without trying. The bell rings signalling the end of class and one of my rare moments of joy at school, before I leave the library she stops me to tell me that she'll be at our match later and I genuinely beam with excitement and blush as I tell her I'll score a goal for her. "You better" she says as she giggles. I keep her in my thoughts as I trudge along to my next class; Business (Hooray...... Not). When I get there my teacher Mr. Samuels is already there, "Why are you late to my class Nico?" he says looking up from the textbook, I reply "I was talking to Mlle Alexis", "Hurry up and sit" he says waving me away. As he starts correcting the homework, I give all the answers correctly without missing a step, it seemed like today would've been one of my actual normal days until one of my classmates shouts, "Hey, do you guys smell smoke?" I curse myself silently and extinguish my hands before they notice it was me, how could I be so careless.... Imagine if they found out...

I put that behind me as the next two periods went by quickly and I try to eat as much as I can before training. Today would be a great day, the day I scored my 100th goal of the season. I tell the few friends I have at school goodbye as I jump on the bus with a goal for Mlle Alexis on the brain. I stick my headphones in and crank up the volume to 100 as Childish Gambino, Ed Sheeran and Linkin Park serenade my ears on the way to pre match training. Trying to be normal is something I've struggled with my whole life which is why I joined the football team, that and I was really good.... But it's hard to try to focus on the game when you have to force yourself to go at a regular pace when you can run faster than the speed of thought, but I manage. I put on my boots and I start warming up with my headphones blasting in my ears, I look up to see Coach Jose signalling me to come in. Begrudgingly I run back and take my headphones in time to hear his pep talk. "Guys, y'all are some of the most talented youths in the country, every match our opponents come out to try and make us lose but we have the best keeper, best midfielders, best defenders, best strikers and most importantly the best captain, y'all can do this" As he sends us off to train I look at my "brothers" Ethan, Daniel, Marc and Nathaniel and we laugh before sprinting off to meet the rest of the team.

As we train I start to slip into a daydream and was about to subconsciously start using my powers had it not been for Ethan who shouted in my mind, (Good thing we have that mind link). "Thanks baby bro" I say "Really dodged a bullet there". By the time I really get into the swing of things I look down at my watch and it's almost game time. We hurriedly complete
our training and head to the changing room. I stand there encapsulated by my signature No. 4 jersey and my captain's armband and I think to myself, this match is gonna be a special one....... In more ways than one

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