Chapter Seven

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"Who? What are you?" asked Jack in disbelief withdrawing his smoking hand from my forehead. Normally I'd say something like "I'm your worst nightmare" or "I'm the end of days" but instead the words to a Radiohead came to my mind. "I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo" were the words that escaped my mouth. Jack's face became a mask of pure confusion. "Are you singing Radiohead?" said Jack. "It just kinda slipped out" I said before catching myself and pushing him back. He staggered back and before he could catch himself I rained down blows upon him. Punches, kicks, knees and elbows flew at Jack. "What's the matter Jackie? Did I give you indigestion? Are you feeling queasy?" I said cockily in a mocking voice. He roared at me in anger and lunged at me as his blackened hand turned into a Swiss army knife of weapons. I was extremely tired, my powers were wavering as forcing Jack to see what I wanted him to took a lot of energy out of me. I tried to summon Cervantes's sword again but it was futile, and on that day I learnt an important lesson, you don't bring kicks and punches to a knife fight. As he lunged forward I used my array of kicks to keep him at bay so I could muster up some energy but Jack was full of energy from absorbing the fake secrets. He hacked and slash me from the shadows as I struggled to land one blow. (Why did I have to be so cocky?) "I know your weakness and this is the end for your pitiful existence" said Jack in his high voice. Behind me arose.. my "worst fear."

My eyes widened in terror as I found myself trapped in a powerplant with electricity surging around me. I cowered in fear as Jack gloated "Will you die by my hand or suffer in your electrophobic prison?" I dragged myself off the floor steering clear of all the energy pulsating around me. "I guess it's time for me to face my fears" I replied timidly placing my hands onthe part l power cords absorbing their energy. My hair stood on end and stuck in place as every coursed through me. I could feel my strength returning as Jack's visage grew more confused. "What's the matter Jackie? Thought I'd give you all my secrets?" I said before attacking him with a beam of energy. He flew through a door of the shack landing on a table. This time I was able to summon Cervantes's swords and darted towards Jack. He slashed at me with his hands but I parried with my swords slashing into his shoulder. I threw the swords in the air and charged almost all my energy and ran at Jack, tackling him and causing parts of the house to collapse. We knelt facing each other on opposite sides of the room with little energy available, Jack had exerted the fake secrets he absorbed and I burnt out most of the energy. This had to end now. I dragged myself to my feet and saw Jack do the same. He charged at me, willing to go down fighting me. I sidestepped him, I made finger pistols and shot him square in the back with a powerful truth serum. "What have you done to me?!!!" shouted Jack in a deep voice unlike his own. "Well Jackie boy, you said no more secrets so I'm just helping you out. Now spill." I said as dark smoke started to escape his mouth.

The black smoke started to envelope the room as Jack babbled spilling every secret he ever consumed sending them back to their owners. After our battle I could barely tell the difference between the front door and the fridge door. Having spilt his last secret Jack collapsed on the floor. I scanned his mind to ensure he remembered none of the secrets then teleported him to prison. I looked around for the exit as the pillars holding up the building groaned in pain. I noticed a doorway and tab trough it appearing in front of Carbon and Vizual Destroyer. "Where's Jack?" she ssked. "Prison." I replied starting to waver. "Are you okay?" she asked. "No" I replied before collapsing in her arms. The last thing I remember was her saying "Stupid boy." I woke up two days later to the sight of Mlle Alexis, Angellee and all my friends with gifts in their hands. Ethan was the first to hug me whispering in my ear "Thanks for not leaving me with these idiots bro." I laughed as Angellee did the same thing before I was bombarded with affection by everyone else. Nurse Joy ran to my aid shooing everyone saying that I needed my rest and that I'll be out in a few hours. 2 hours later I was on my way home. I lay on my bed after having been knocked out for two days and thought about my fight with Jack the Ripper and how exhausting the battle was, more importantly my battles with myself and all the secrets I kept hidden. I rolled over and dozed off until my alarm rang waking me up. I dragged on my clothes and ran out the house, I couldn't miss scout meeting. I jumped in a taxi and arrived in meeting just as it was about to start.

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