Chapter Thirteen

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  (Move over buddy, this is my time to shine) I am Khalil, Nico's other other personality. It may seem like I'm the mean aggressive and evil one, but I'm really not. I just happen to love anarchy, why should we live by moral codes of good and evil when we can be both and have chaos. Anyway, our friend Nico here had a nervous breakdown the morning of the economics exam so I'm here saving him (As usual). Aside from being the anarchic one I also happen to be the brilliant one of the three of us, Celestia is the creative and talented one and Nico is the lucky one. The invigilator looked at her watch for a while before drawling on in an annoying voice "You may begin." Deciding to be unorthodox I started from section two of the exam paper and began scowling immediately. "This idiot couldn't do this?!" I thought to myself burning through parts 1 and 2 of the question. This question seemed too easy to fail, but I had to be Nico so I purposely answered some parts vaguely as I held back my better judgment. Finishing sections B and C I returned to section A with an hour remaining. For the first time in my existence, something other than flirting with woman was challenging to me. Naturally, unlike flirting with women, I figured the question out after 56 minutes. Unable to fully answer all the questions to my liking I answered each question in the most basic of ways before handing up the paper.Being the kindhearted soul I was I did every exam for him, except French, I knew how much he loved that subject. For his final project an expository entitled "Le SIDA en Afrique" he dazzled though not as well as I would, for the written paper he zoomed through exceptionally, the listening part which seemed to be his strong suit he annihilated it. As for the literature part...... Moving on. I'm sure he made himself and Mlle Alexis proud whereas I did the rest because I'm brilliant and amazing and amazing and awesome. Nico really is the lucky one because where would be be without me....... That's a scary thought that we won't imagine. Now while I'm free I could use my pets l powers to create havoc and destruction but where's the fun in that. Although nobody would know the difference because when I'm in control I change the look a bit, giving us some style. Nobody likes greasy stringy black hair anymore, we're not in the 80's. I prefer long straight brown hair and red alluring eyes which make all the difference. Much better looking than stringy black hair and caramel brown eyes.

    By the time the final days of exams came around I regretted helping Nico more and more. Downplaying my brilliance to save his skin, but I don't blame him, a nervous breakdown is no joke. The day after the French listening exam, I saw that Nico still wasn't fully recovered so I decided I'd stay in control for a little bit longer. It's been a while since I've been in control for so long, because apparently I'm prone to fits of anger. Honestly that wasn't even my fault, here's what happened. A few years ago Nico and me would frequently switch personalities depending on the situation. Sometimes Celestia would take control as well when the situation needed subtilty, but mostly just me or Nico. One day after scout meeting while Nico was in control he stayed back a little later than usual waiting for a friend to travel with. Another guy, Charlie I think his name was stayed back as well waiting on the same friend. Two hours later the friend, Simon was his name, was finally ready to travel. By that time it was 7 in the night and the streets aren't safe especially for guys from our school. After 10 minutes of packing up and locking the scout room we... they... we finally left school. Halfway down the road 2 guys loomed behind us looking b suspiciously obvious. Within minutes they descended upon us patting our pockets. Nico, being the idiot he was, tried reasoning with them as they attempted to pry Charlie's phone from his pocket. Simon on the other side of him began to draw his knife that he recently reacquainted himself with. Nico casually pushed Simon's knife back into his bag while simultaneously pulling Charlie away from the thugs. Nico had enough power to obliterate these peasants with the blink of an eye yet he chose to try and reason. Seconds later a mob of thugs surrounded us and started raining blows upon us, Nico tried protecting Simon and Charlie but there were too many of them and I could no longer stand aside, so I took over. Grabbing the first person I saw and launching him across the street. Bobbing and weaving and knocking persons out with a single blow. I began to lose control, the chaos and bloodlust took over me until it happened. One unfaithful thug decided to stab me in the shoulder and I broke the streetlight with him. As he crumpled to the floor, the bloodlust subsided and I looked on bemused as what I'd done. Rushing over of course Nico retook control and started making sure he wasn't dead and stuff. Thankfully he was alive and had no broken bones but Nico never let me in control again and I became bitter and aggressive, only to protect everyone else.... But enough about me, it was nice. You'll hear from me again..... I promise.

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