Chapter Five

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I honestly thought this would be the end of me, I closed my eyes and braced for impact. Instead what I got were red hot embers kissing my chest whisking away my solitary chest hair. I opened my eyes to see Beastclaw fending off Sketch, claws to sword (Thank GOD for our mind links). I tried to wriggle free from the swords who lovingly pinned me to the wall, even if I did manage to get out it would be at the expense of my arm. I guess I finally understood what Mr Ruddy was saying in class about choice and opportunity cost. Just as I made the choice to be like Shanks a purple blur flashed across my eyes causing me to spread out on the floor. I looked up to see Nathe beaming down at me with the swords in his hands.Nathe, my baby brother is one of the most hyper superheroes you'll ever meet, aside from having super speed and relatively enhanced strength, he's also ADHD making him all the more hyper. Ethan was so hyper at times that he's start speaking backwards and that's how he got his name. Known as the violet obfuscation to those of his enemies who could pronounce it. At his slowest he is faster than the speed of light although we have yet to test his full capabilities. I barely got a chance to thank Nathe because Lord Voldermort appeared out of nowhere blasting spells everywhere. Had it not been for Nathe's quick thinking (Pun very much intended) I'd probably be a daisy or something. He pushed me out of the way and ran straight at Voldie (How dare he..... Eavesdropping on an emotional moment........ He's so nosy....... Pun intended). I ran towards the jewelry store to confront the thug from earlier, this time things will end different. As I approached the jewelry store I saw the thug arrogantly walking out of it. Rage whispered in my ears with its seductive voice "Go get him". I gave in to the sultry voice and charged at the thug with an energy infused fist that flew right through him...... Literally. My arm went into his abdomen and was now trapped, I looked up at him as he began to absorb me into himself. I struggled to get out but it was like quicksand. When all of me was inside him he spat me like bars from the hottest rapper.

I groaned in pain as I tried to shake off the impact. He laughed as a Gatling gun appeared next to him made completely out of ink. I looked around at my surroundings, Beastclaw and Sketch were still brawling, a horde of zombies attempted to dog like Nathe almost succeeding. As soon as I turned back ink pellets the size of footballs attacked my "face" sending my head back to the floor. The thug stood over me smiling and said "I don't think we've been introduced Mr big shot superhero" smugness radiating as he punched me with each word, "I see you've already big brother Sketch and your hoodlum of an ally better not hurt my baby boy Lil Picasso. He's a marshmallow." As he gestured to the person opening books causing more zombies to attack my friend a look of pure bemusement arose via my body language as there was nothing lil about this so called Lil Picasso. Realizing this the thug continued his downpour of blows as he finished his introduction, "And yours truly the sultan of sexxxiness is called Ink." His final blow hurting more than all the others. Somehow it knocked an epiphany into me. I realized that I was approaching these three the wrong way. With a quick mind link everything was rectified. I leg swept Ink causing him to spin in the air as I dashed over to confront Lil Picasso. I looked over my shoulder to see Beastclaw and Cheshire making a scratching post out of ink, and judging by the smell of smoke and the female shouts of "Kiyah" Angellee, (more commonly known as Mrs Wraith given her ability to read minds, phase through objects and temporarily inhabit a person's body) and Nathe were making quick work of Sketch. It was all up to me now.

"Hey Biggie Medium, don't you pick on someone your own size" I said, not knowing what was in store for me. He looks me square in the face and replies " You're funny, Lil Richard wannabe" I took offense immediately, first thing first I'm tired of people insulting my hair. We stand there facing each other like we're in western waiting to draw, a book in his hand and energy circulating around mine.Before I had time to shoot my bolts he flung the book open unleashing one of my favorite characters upon me. Nico Di Angelo appeared in front of me looking just as he was described in the book. His black Stygian sword at his side and skeletal arms reaching out of the earth around him. I was unsure whether to fangirl or be extremely terrified because Nico Di Angelo was no pushover. He charged at me with his sword as skeletal hands swarmed around me, had I not read the series I'd be dead as I quickly imagined Celestial bronze dual swords in my hands. At first I struggled to hack and slash away his necromancy summoned friends as well as keep up the fight with Nico but I got the hang of it. But Nico was much better at this than I was so the more I dispatched the more he summoned. (This is definitely not how I wanted to meet one of my favorite characters at all). I ran at him full speed and slashed hoping to get a piece of him but he seemed to vanish right in front of my face. I felt the cold steel do the cha cha along my back. The fact that Nico could shadowtravel completely slipped my mind (I so have to learn how to do that). This is scary, he can shadowtravel all over the place since it's early morning. Thanks to my knowledge of the book I was able to capitalize. I realized which Nico this was and I smiled. "Hey Nico, remember, love is cruel!!" I shouted as the invisible force of Cupid knocked Nico to the floor. A look of pure terror was written on his face, (I'm just punny today) as memories of the last encounter they had plagued his thoughts. "But.... But I came to terms with my crush on Percy Jackson" stammered Nico before being pummeled to the floor again."But have you really?" said the whispery voice of Cupid. I decided to utilize this prime time to obliterate the literature around Lil Picasso for some strange reason except one causing Nico to burst into flames as he flew back into the book. "You're such a bully. What am I supposed to do for fun now?" said Lil Picasso his voice radiating anger, "Since I can't make my dreams a reality, I'll make you a fiction"

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