that moment when...

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that moment when you're talking normally and then start talking in 3rd person like Juvia ((Fairy Tail))

That moment when you're talking and then throw in some japanise words like "kawaii" or "onigishinmasu"

That moment when your parents walk by and there's something really pervy that pops up on your screen

that moment when you watch an anime and understand a whole sentence in japanise :D

that moment when you're more excited to go to an anime convention than your own prom

that moment when you randomly pass by a leek and the first thing that comes to your mind is Hatsune Miku (Vocaloids))

That moment when people keep bothering you when you're trying to watch anime and you're just like "can't you humans let an otaku be alone in quiet by watching anime!?"

That moment when you find somebody who likes anime and you're just like "you. yes you, we're going to be friends forever"

that moment when your favorite anime character dies and you're just like "NUUU NOT AGAIN"

that moment when you fangirl near an non-otaku and they think somethig's wrong with you


you are my senpai                      

My only senpai

you give me dokis

and shades of gray

you'll never know me

but i still love you

you're sugoi, kawaii desu ne!

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