You x Yongguk (B.A.P)

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"Hurry up! Quit taking your sweet time! We need to go. Now!" You hear yelling coming from outside of your bedroom. Your boyfriend, Ricky, was waiting for you. You had only been getting ready for five minutes when you get a phone call. You are on the phone now, talking to your best friend. Ricky is continuing to yell from outside of you room.

Ricky's tone was angry and impatient. At times it could be frightening - most of the time it is.

"Why are you even dating him?" Your attention is snatched away from the yelling by the voice on the other end of your mobile. It's your best friend, Yongguk.

"W-what?" You ask as you try to figure out what he had said.

"Why are you with him? He treats you like dirt. I don't like it and I don't like him," Yongguk repeats himself.

"Oh, he's just upset that I'm talking to you and not getting ready." You try your best to keep your voice from faltering, but you aren't successful. Your voice wavers and he can tell you're frightened.

"Y/N! Hurry up!" You hear another yell, this time it sounds even more impatient. "You know what?! Take your time! I don't care! All you do is take your time and flirt with other guys! I can find someone else. You are nothing to me! No one will ever love you!" The yelling is louder and sounding more angry than impatient. You soon hear the front door slam shut as Ricky leaves.

You start to cry and you are beyond thankful that your parents aren't home. They never liked Ricky. They knew he is the reason you would often cry when you came home.

You suddenly remember you are on the phone with Yongguk.

"Y-Yongguk?" You sniffle, attempting to stop the tears without much accomplishment.

The other end of the line was silent and you are afraid that he had hung up.

"Yongguk?" You ask again. Your voice is barely a whisper.

You hear the dial tone and you hang up your phone feeling miserable. Ricky had left you and Yongguk had hung up on you. You flop down on your bed feeling utterly miserable and unwanted.

You wipe the tears from your face, but you can't stop them from falling. "I hate this..." You whisper.

"Don't hate~."

Your head whips up just as Yongguk walks into your bedroom.

"I heard Ricky from the other end," he says as he holds up his mobile. "That guy doesn't deserve a girl like you. I'm sorry I hung up, but I had to come here. I heard you crying and I don't want you to cry."

He sits down on the bed beside you and you lay your head on his shoulder. No matter what Ricky does to you, Yongguk is always the one to make you smile.

You sniffle again, a smile on your face. "You're the best," you whisper.

Yongguk lest out a small laugh and you feel his arms wrap around you. "No one should treat you like that ever again. I won't let them. That idiot is lucky he left before I got here or I would've made him pay."

"Ricky wasn't that bad..." You say, trying to defend him.

"Y/N, he acts as if you are his doormat. He cheats on you and bosses you around. He isn't a good guy," Yongguk says as he pulls away to look down at you. His brown eyes looking into yours with such have to look away and you do.

"You're right," you whisper.

Yongguk moves your face with his hand so you are looking at him once more. "Promise me you won't let anyone treat you like that ever again?"

"I promise," I say and bury your face in his chest. He seems slightly surprised, but relaxes and holds you tighter.

"Can we go for a walk? I need to clear my head."

"Yeah, sure thing," Yongguk says.

You stand up and you hear him stand up as well as you make your way to your bedroom door.

"Y/N, wait!"

You turn around to see Yongguk reach out to you and you feel something crash against you. You are aware that it didn't hurt and you become even more aware as you realize that your lips met his.

You are completely surprised, but you don't pull away.

Yongguk, seeming to realize what he is doing, pulls away. "I'm...sorry..." He says and scratches the back of his neck. "I've just been waiting quite awhile to do that."

"Yongguk, it's alright." You tell with a smile. It suddenly hits you that Ricky wasn't the one for you at all. In fact, he was the complete opposite. He is somebody that you should have avoided completely.

No. The one for you had been the one that had been there all along. Your best friend, Yongguk.

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