You x Zelo (B.A.P)

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"C'mon!" You call over you shoulder as you grab your dog's black leash. Your dog skids to a halt beside you. Wagging his/her tail with excitement.

"Wanna go for a walk?" You change the tone of your voice and you begin talking to your dog as if it were a baby, which it seemed to be enjoying.

The dog barks and whines, letting you know it wants to go outside.

You open the door. Before you can hook the leash to its matching collar, it takes off out of the open door.

"Hey! Wait!" You yell as you slide on your shoes and quickly grab your coat and run outside after your dog.

You spot it disappear into the forest, melting into the brush like a shadow.

You let out a sigh of annoyance and trek after him/her. You aren't much of an outdoors person, but luckily this is the park and sooner or later a path is going to open up.

You call your dog's name again as he/she jumps out of the forest and onto a path.

You watch as it races down the path. The ferns block your sight from him/her, but you can tell he/she is nearby when you hear an excited bark.

Soon after, you hear a yell and more excited whining and barking.

"*Dog's name*!" You run after him/her and run along the bend. You are surprised to see your dog on top of someone.

"Ugh! Get off of me, you silly dog!" The boy underneath the dog grumbles, but he's laughing.

"Omigod! I'm so sorry!" You grab your dog's collar and pull him/her back before he/she can lick the poor boy to death.

The boy sits up, wiping his face off with the back of his hand.

"Don't worry about it. I love dogs." He shoots you a dazzling smile as he picks up his skateboard (that he probably dropped when the dog jumped on him) and you can feel the blood rush to your cheeks.

You don't know whether it was because you are embarrassed by your dog's actions or if it was because he was so attractive.

"He/she usually isn't like this," you explain as you hook the leash to it's collar.

He/she lets out a whimper and tugs ever-so slightly, but you hold on firmly. There is no way you are going to let your dog embarrass you once more.

The boy bends down and begins petting the dog. He/she, in turn, begins licking his face again.

"Who's a beautiful dog?" He cooes as he scratches him/her behind the ears. He stands up, still petting the dog as he looks at you. "Although, he/she's not as beautiful as his/her owner." He sticks out his hand. "I'm Zelo, by the way."

Your face turns red again and you shake his hand. "I'm Y/N."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he grins. "So, what brings you and your attack dog to the park?"

"I was just taking my dog for a walk when he/she took off," I explain with a small laugh.

"Hello," he says as he bends down once more to pet him/her. "I should thank you for giving me the chance to run into your owner." You take this advantage to look at him without him noticing. Definitely attractive.

He stands up again, his dazzling brown eyes are cheerful. He pushes his messy hair to the side and asks, "Would you mind if I come along with you? I would like to get to know you better."

You feel your dog nudge your hand as it rests at your side and you nod. "Of course," you reply with a smile.

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