25- A Pinky Promise On Your Life

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“What happened Saturday night?”

I shrugged. “Stuff happened.”

“Okay,” Alice sighed in her I’m-not-taking-your-shit kind of voice. “I gave you a free pass yesterday because you were incredibly hungover, but now you have to spill.”

I cursed her out in my head and then turned the corner so that we were at our lockers- oh how much I hate Monday mornings, the murderer of all weekends. “Nothing exciting happened. I found a guy, we were about to do it but then I stopped because I couldn’t stop thinking about Danny and then I felt bad because the guy already had a boner, so I sucked him off, no big deal.”

“You went inside of the house?” She asked with raised eyebrows.

I nodded. “Yeah, why?”

She shrugged. “Jason doesn’t let me inside of his house.”

“Well, Jason wasn’t there.” I said with a small laugh. “The guy said that he was friends with Aaron, so that’s why he was allowed to take me inside.”

We got the stuff out of our lockers that we needed for our morning classes and then headed for our first period which was English, not a bad class at all, since Mr. Gerald was pretty nice and everything. Jason is in that class, so he sits with us sometimes, and that’s cool. Jason is a nice guy, and he and Alice had become close with this huge art project that they’ve been working on forever. I think they must be very slow workers, because according to Alice, they are only halfway done with their painting, and it’s been a month of nonstop painting.

“Okay, well whatever floats your boat.” Alice sighed in a chiding manner. “I think you should talk to Danny if you miss him so much.”

“I don’t miss him.” I refused, but we both knew that it was a lie- I did miss him. I hadn’t talked to him in a really long time not counting Saturday night, but I still really just missed him. But then, when I reminded myself that he never actually cared and he was only using me for his stupid damn story, I don’t miss him as much. And then, I remind myself that I only miss who I thought he was, I don’t actually miss him.

“Zoey, he cock blocked you, using your mind. You miss him.” She informed me.

We sat down at our seats at the back of the class room that was barely full of people yet. “A little, but I’m not going to talk to him, it’s the last thing that I’d ever do. He’s so not worth it and he doesn’t even care.”

“I think he cares.”

“Alice!” I snapped. “Why do you think that? He used me to get a good story.”

“And it was shitty, I know that, but I just don’t think that that’s all there is to it.” She defended with a shrug. “Maybe if you talked to him, you’d find out the real story.”

“He could just lie again.” I brought up.

“Think about it, Zoe, and stop being so pessimistic.” She suggested.

I sighed heavily and laid my head on the desk. Yesterday’s major hangover was still lingering in my head, and I didn’t even know that a hangover could last more than 24 hours, that’s just stupid. Although, I was incredibly drunk on Saturday night, this was unnecessary. I was now tired and grumpy and I just wanted to go to sleep and stop thinking/talking about that stupid Danny Banks.

During English, we studied for our test that we had coming up on Hamlet and that was pretty much it. The rest of the day was pretty normal, except for the dread that I began feeling during lunch time, when I realized that today in creative writing, will probably be the most awkward moment of my life, being in the same room as Danny after what happened on Saturday.

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