29- Those Three Words Can Kill

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Zoey (Unedited)

“You can’t look.”

“I’m not looking.”

“I mean it, Zoey!”

“Alice,” I laughed. “I swear to you, I’m not looking.”

“Are you positive?”

“You’re suffocating my face with a blind fold, I can’t look even if I want to.” I informed her with a giddy laugh. She had been so excited for my birthday party and now, after a lot of planning on her part, it was finally here and she wasn’t giving anything away as to what it could possibly be. All that I know is that it is at our houses, in between the two in a huge meadow area, that’s it.

“Okay, okay.” She giggled, leading me into a chair outside. It was cushiony and I soon realized, once it started moving underneath of me, that it was a golf cart. I was in the back seat, so I was facing backwards, not that it mattered because I was blind to the world, and Alice was beside me in the back, keeping an arm wrapped around mine to make sure that I didn’t do anything stupid because I was blind.

“We’re almost there.” Alice warned me with excitement lacing her voice. I had to admit, I was crazy excited for whatever awaited me as well, because I knew how amazing Alice was at planning parties.

The only hint I had at what it was is what she had dictated for me to wear- a short black dress with the top of it see-through except for a black bandeau-like top to cover my boobs, some weird shark pumps with fins and everything, and some blue jewelry along with a cute black elephant pendant necklace. That isn’t much help, I don’t think, but it was a cute outfit at least.

When the golf cart stopped, I could hear voices all around me and it was obviously a party. I wondered who Alice invited, because there was a lot of sound around me, and I don’t think that we know that many people. Despite my confusion, I followed Alice’s lead as she lead me off of the golf cart and then stood me in place with her arm still locked around mine. I could feel her shaking with excitement… or maybe that was me. It was probably both of us, actually, but mostly me.

“Okay, on the count of three.” Alice instructed me. “That’s when you can look. Ready?”

“Yes, I’m ready.” I laughed.

“Good, you don’t really have a choice. Okay, so, one… two… three!” When she squealed the three, I eagerly ripped the blind fold off of my face and it took my eyes a few moments to adjust to the sudden light of the outside world that was hidden from me via the blindfold. However, when my eyes did adjust, they widened to the size of cantaloupes at the sight in front of me.

The first thing I noticed was a huge ferris wheel in the distance, on the other side of the field that we were located in. The next thing I realized was the huge lane of rides- all of my favorites, actually. The Scrambler, The Twister, and three other major rides that you would find at a fair or a carnival. There was a cotton candy stand and a funnel cake stand and just a lot of greasy fair food stations where people could go get food, and the thing that surprised me most of all was all of the people there. It truly looked like a carnival with how many people there were in the field, riding the rides and eating the food and just enjoying the party. There were red and white striped tents everywhere and it just looked like a lot of fun.

“Alice!” I squealed. “This is amazing!”

“Puh-lease.” She snorted. “I know, I’ve been planning it for ages.”

“How did you get so many people here?” I asked eagerly, my eyes scanning the crowded area for what I was going to do first. I had no idea, there was just so many things to do.

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