Author's Goodbye </3

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Wow, they there! <3

So I just really can't believe that it's actually over because I've been with this story for so many months this is just so sad for me, lol. I mean, it's happy too, because it's always a nice accomplishment to finish a story, especially one this long, but it's still so heartbreaking at the same time, ya know? Like, I remember when I first had this idea and I was going through name ideas and Millie_ was helping me pick out a name for Zoey. 

Anyhoo, I guess I should make it very clear right now that there will be no sequel. Please do not ask me to make one because I just can't. Honestly, I think it ended well and it would just kinda be ruined by having a sequel so it's just not going to happen. 

However, I do have a few stories out there if you wanna read about those, that'd be really amazing of you and I'll update you about those right now:

Oh, Dakota- which I just started posting and it only has about seven chapters up so far and it's about a girl who is about to dive into a really complicated love life. 

The Seaside Cafe- is my joint story with Millie_ and I think we've both agreed that it's probably one of the most adorable creations that we've, you know, created and it's a play off of our first joint story, Broken.

Think Happy Thoughs- the sequel to Wanderlust will be up in a few weeks, I hope, and that's about Lily (Thomas's younger sister) but with school and all, who knows?

I'm just going to list a few of my newest ideas, and some that aren't even in my upcoming stories thing yet just to give you an idea about what's coming soon: 32 Days Of Annabelle, The Cliche Checklist, Running With Her Dreams, Mission: High School. So yeah, there's a lot and my mind is just always running all over the place and it's pretty intense, but that's what I have.

So yeah, thank you so so so much for reading this and voting and commenting and fanning and everything that you did because it's just so amazing of you and I love ever single one of you.

Stay beautiful! <3


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