Chapter 7 - Dreams of the Past

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A/N: OH MY GODS I HAVE NOT UPDATE FOR TWO WEEKS I AM SOO SORRY!!! I just needed to take a break from everything for this winter break! I'm sooo sorry I was not able to update. But HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!! XD ;) I'll see you at the bottom.

Lexi POV:

"Alexis! Connor! We need to get in the car now!" Mom's voice calls from the front of our apartment.

"Coming mama!" I yell from my room. "Let's go Connor!"

"Race you there!" He says before sprinting off to the door. We had just gotten back from school where there had miraculously been an explosion that was blamed on the two of us. But we didn't do it

"Hey! That's not fair!" I exclaim, running after him. We run to my mom, who is frantically grabbing our stuff and leads us to the car.

"Mama? Are we going somewhere for my birthday today?" I ask.

"Y-yes we are!" She says brightly, driving down the road keeping an eye behind us. "We're going on a little adventure today."

"Yay! This is going to be fun! Right Connor?" I ask him.

"Yeah!" He exclaims. "Ms. Carson, where are we going?"

"Somewhere saf-s-special Connor. Now I need you two to keep your heads down below the seats okay?" She says.

"Like we are hiding?" I ask.

"Exactly Lexi! It's l-like a game. There are bad people outside and if you keep your head down they won't see you."

"Okay mama!" I say and duck my head down. Connor does the same and playfully nudges my shoulder. This soon escalates and we are messing with eachother again.

"Lexi! Connor! Stop messing ar-" My mom says when the glass in front of her shatters. Her head hits the steering wheel hard and the car swerves onto incoming traffic. I peek out the front window as the car swerves and I see a man, with a mask covering his face and something silver instead of an arm.

The car is slammed by an semi and I am thrown against Connor. Then everything feels weightless for a brief moment and my stomach does twists inside me.

Then the car his the water. And starts to fill up with water. And I don't see my mom anywhere.

Connor is beside me, slumped over me. I shake him frantically, hoping that he wakes up. Then the car completely fills with water. I grab Connor's hand and swim out of the shattered windshield. I break the surface, holding Connor's head above the water. In my fright I don't even realize I was breathing underwater.

We float for what seems to be hours. Until my feet hits a stony beach. I drag Connor onto the beach and collapse next to him. Just before everything goes black, I hear voices speaking.

"Someone get Zoe and Chiron! Get Percy too! He can get the water out of their lungs. Hang in there, my name is Bianca, you're going to be alright."

I wake up from my dream, gasping for air. I glance over at Connor who is deep asleep.

That may have been a dream but it felt too real. I look over at the clock and it reads 3:00 am. Great.

I flip off the covers and walk quietly to the bathroom, washing my face before flipping my pillow around and falling back asleep, hoping that in the morning I won't remember this.

But as usual the fates hate me.

Connor POV:

"Lexi...." I say, sitting by her bedside. "Lex, babe, time to get up."

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