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OK guys! What's up Nerdy_Girl here! So I need your input on this because it is going to be really important.

Lately, I've been feeling quite constrained by the Marvel movies and I haven't been exactly enjoying it. I have my own ideas about some of the characters that I don't have the ability to write about in my series. To counter that, I am thinking about making a side stories book for this series. Where everyone is going to be a lot less serious and a lot funnier. The cover is up there ^^^ in case you guys were curious.

So it would be simple little prompts like "The avengers go to Starbucks" or "Loki messes up (again)" or "Christmas on the Top Ten floors" and funny things like that. If you guys like it I'll start posting that along with this book. I realize that I might have to either double up on some weeks or alternate so idk.

Should I go through with this? I already talked to some of my friends irl and they want me to do it, but I also want you guys to have a choice.

So hear's the deal. If I get enough votes and/or comments on this author's note, I'll start posting parts to this one. If not, we can pretend this author's note never happened.

I would be extremely happy if I got support for this, since I'm trying to become a more creative writer for you guys, instead of copying the movie line by line.

Please vote and comment on this if you are interested!

See you guys next week!

Stay Nerdy,

Nerdy_Girl :)

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