Chapter One

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Three weeks we have been in Russia, three weeks I have been bored out of my mind. I thought that this trip would help me discover what this voice was telling me, but no. Security was tighter than I ever thought possible. Liam trained me, mentally and physically, but I was not furthering in my knowledge of the beast which meant that it still had the upper hand on me.

Discover your ancestors, discover yourself. The voice whispered again. It was just annoying me now. It would only repeat itself, and it wasn't helping me. It was a constant chant in the back of my mind that would never go away. I knew it wouldn't go away until I did what I wanted, but there was nothing to do at the moment. Liam was forcing me to keep up with my training, and because we were bonded he was the only person able to fend me off if I went a little out of control. Silas was too wrapped up in his new mate and former enemy, Natalia, to want to go on an adventure and sneak away with me. Will was ever the guardian, watching me from the shadows. The twins, Michael and Gabriel were still the silent brutes they had been in the beginning.

We had come to Russia to hide me away, to keep me from the heartbroken Charles, who was blood mate to my ancestor Lana. I had killed Lana by accident, when the beast inside had broken loose and Charles would hunt me down until he sought revenge. Elijah, my mate, was off trying to keep peace and keep me alive and safe from afar. I missed him so much, much more than I thought I even could.

I hated Russia. I hated everything it stood for. My separation from Elijah, my impending doom, and I had a feeling this place had something to do with the monster that was slumbering inside of me.

I realized that I had skimmed through the pages of the book that I was reading and I had to start the page over again. It was a sad book, that reminded me of my own internal struggles. The main character was struggling with the wish of death, but not wanting to deliver the final blow on herself. The man that was supposed to love her, was only going to use her for his own selfish needs. I had wanted to kill myself, to prevent what the Prophetess had said about me, how I was going to bring chaos into the world. But, maybe I could save the world, if I tried hard enough and I fought hard enough. I didn't want to kill anyone else. I could still see the blood, all of the blood.

Thinking about blood reminded me of my craving. It had been a few days since Liam had taken me out to hunt, and I could feel the hunger coursing through my veins.

"Are you ready?" Liam's voice whispered in my ear. I didn't even react, since this was normal behavior with Liam. He always appeared when I needed him the most, as if he could feel my pain and struggle.

"Are we going hunting?" I asked, closing my book. I looked at his beautiful blue eyes, reminding me of the sky. They were so different than Elijah's dark, nearly black blue eyes. Elijah and Liam were so different. Liam's hair was so light, and Elijah's was a dark red, so dark that it was nearly black. Where Elijah was cool and collected, Liam was fiery and hot headed. And yet these two men were becoming the most important people in my life. I used to be able to say that it was Silas that meant everything to me, but with his mind and soul being consumed by Natalia, I knew that he was no longer mine.

"Of course, I would never interrupt your reading for anything less than necessary." He smiled. Liam understood me in way that I did not even understand myself. I folded up my glasses and put them away in their case. I was hoping that I would not break these ones, since I knew that Silas did not have anymore spares on him. I set the book down and stood up. Liam was so much taller than me that he dwarfed me, but that was something that I was used to. Being the smallest of the wolves, I knew what it meant to feel short, insignificant. I wanted to say that I missed my family, that I missed my siblings but I did not. I missed Cam, and only Cam because I knew that he would do anything he could to keep me safe but he was no longer capable of that, not since I was being hunted by not only an ancient vampire, but also those who supported Lana and those who were in cooperation with the Fae.

"We are going to hunt something larger than anything we have ever before." Liam said, leading me out the back of the small house that we were in. We were not allowed the luxuries that we had been in the last place. No two story house, no single rooms. I shared a room with Liam, Silas and Natalia shared a room and the twins and Will had a room.

"Such as?" I asked, not sure if I was excited or not. I enjoyed the hunt, because it was a time to learn about the beast, and it kept the cravings at bay, but there was still something in me that was scratching at the surface. I couldn't quite place it, since it was an unfamiliar feeling, but there was something.

"It is a carnivore, it is called a bear." Liam said, as we walked through the snow. It was so cold here, that even being a wolf did not keep me warm.

"I've read about those, they are large." I shivered, whether it be in fear or anticipation I was not sure.

"They are, although they have evolved to look different than I believe you have seen them, since you do prefer to read books from when the humans ruled." Liam stated. As he stepped through the snow his heat melted the thin layer, making it very easy to follow him. I knew he was doing this for the boys, in case they wanted to observe us. It was true, I loved those novels, but that was because humans appreciated the art of writing much more than vampires and werewolves do. The vampires remember everything, so they find no point in writing everything down and the wolves would rather train and fight than read.

My nose twitched, another scent filling it. There was something near, and it smelled delicious. It was coming from in front of us, and I could feel my muscles tense, already prepared for a fight.

"Do not use your gifts with this beast, I want you to use your power, I want you to tap in the powers of your inner beast." Liam directed and I whipped my head towards him. How did he know? I didn't tell him, I wanted to keep it a secret until I figured out what to do. "You can never hide anything from me Krista, we are bonded." He said, not looking at me. I should have known that the bond would give me away.

I closed my eyes, and began to turn inward. I needed to focus, in order to give It more power. I could feel It stirring inside of me, ready to be released. It was trying to claw It's way out of me, to become in control and slaughter everything in It's path. But, I would not let it. I could feel the power begin to course through my veins, threatening to take me over. It was strange, that I was in control but I felt so far from it.

"Are you ready?" Liam asked, and I knew that he was backing away from me, in case things did not go the way that they were supposed to.

"Yes." The response came out as more of a growl. The sound of snow crunching could be heard in front of us, and I knew that they beast was on us. The hunt was about to begin.  

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