Chapter Nine

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 It was a couple of hours later and I was sitting in one of the two rooms that Viktor had given us. He gave Liam his own separate room, and normally I would not be comfortable with that, but honestly I was still mad at him for lying to me and I needed some time and space. The room was very bare, with only a small twin bed, a small night stand, and only one small lamp to light the room. It was obvious that this room was for necessity and not luxury.

I thought about what Viktor said, about treating the beast like a part of me rather than an unwanted entity. Was he right, would that help their cravings? They had been under control lately, but that was with Liam at my side. What would happen if he wasn't there? I was relying on him too much, and that wasn't good. I needed to be able to figure this out on my own.

I was also thinking about why Viktor still wanted me to see Prisca, even though we already knew who my ancestors were. Sure, they were the reason that I was able to stay sane as a hybrid, but I still felt as if there were more to the story that he and Liam were not telling me. Why else would the wolf and vampire side both want me to know my ancestors so bad?

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I called, although I knew who it was already. I hadn't spoken to him since I left Viktor's office.

"Krista, can I come in?" Liam asked, poking his head through the crack of the door.

"I suppose." I answered, looking at the chipping red paint on the wall. Couldn't Viktor just do a spell in order to make this room look better? I did not know that much about magic but it shouldn't be that hard.

"I can feel your confusion and aggravation. What's going on? What did Viktor say?" He asked, coming into the room and sitting down on the edge of the bed. I think he could feel that I wanted my distance from him.

"Well, he told me about my heritage. And, he also told me about the fact that there are more than three libraries that hold the ancient documents that we are looking for. Why did you lie to me?" I asked, looking at him and letting the hurt show on my face. I could see his face fall, and I knew that he felt horrible for doing it, but that still did not excuse him doing it.

"I figured that it would be easier than explaining the true reason we need to go see Prisca, especially since I can't tell you all of the details." He explained poorly.

"Why can't you tell me all of the details?" I asked.

"Because, in order to tell you I would have to tell you what Prisca's gift is, and I can't do that. She keeps her gift a secret to the public, only telling certain people, and to tell you would be betraying her trust in me. You just have to wait, and trust me." He said vaguely.

"If you would have just told me that in the beginning, then I would have still come with you, but you lied to me, Liam. I can't believe that you, of all people, lied to me." I told him honestly.

"I'm sorry, Krista. I just thought that it would be easier, and the best way. I never claimed to be perfect, and this just proves that." He said, looking away from me. Sometimes I forgot just how much older than me he was. He lived through the werewolf revolution, he through multiple kings and queens. He watched his family grow old, die, and become unfamiliar to him. He lived through things that I would probably never experience.

"Just, don't lie to me again." I said, unsure of how to respond to that.

"I won't." He promised. "So, what did Viktor tell you about your heritage?" He asked, changing the subject and getting down to business.

"He basically confirmed what you thought. I am a descendant of the original werewolf and the original vampire, which is why I am about to survive as a hybrid and not go insane. He also told me the story as to how the four original siblings ended up become supernatural, and that is why he thinks I have been dealing with a lot of misfortunate, because the original vampire and werewolf were cursed. I actually found the story fascinating though. I misjudged his character to be honest, at first I thought he was terrifying but he is actually a lot like me, just trying to avoid being used as a weapon. Although, if push came to shove I am sure he can be truly terrifying." I said honestly. I didn't know the limits to his powers yet, so i had no idea how powerful he really was.

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