Warning this is all sterotypical, I did this for a friend. It was all just for fun
Right I was 'bout Nine years old Mate. I fucking loved Shrek soo much, had all the merch and all the flicks too. I prayed to Shrek and thanked him for all the Fags I've been given. Ever night I'd fuckin' go out and say "Shrek is love" "Shrek is life". Me Da hears me and calls me a gay bastard. I knew he was jealous fer my absolute dedication to Shrek. I fuckin' came over to 'im and called him a fuckin' melter. He beat my fuckin' ass in and tells me to get the fuck to bed. I'm cryin' me eyes out after getting knocked out. I layed in bed and me feets felt somthin' fuckin' baltic. I feel a warmth come towards me and some fuckin' thing touches me. I look up and 'eres the man himself, Shrek. I was so Fuckin' happy. He softly spoke in me ear "This 'eres my swamp now." The big lad grabbed me with his big fuckin' Ogre hands and fuck me right in the ass. It hurts so fuckin' much but i do it for the man himself. I can feel my asshole getting fucked by Shrek. I pushed with great fucking force cause I want to please Shrek. He fuckin' let out the loudest fuckin' roar as he feels my ass with his ogrey goo. He fuckin' looks me straight in the eye and says "it's all ogre now". Me da walks in and is fuckin' disgusted. My main man Shrek fuckin' flies out my windies
Shrek is love...Shrek is life