I watched the whole thing...Lord Vathquad stole princess Niona.Zhrek heard about Lord Vathquad stealing his one true love. Zhrek became bad ass.The one line I heard him say is
"When the time comes when your best enemy takes your best girl it's time for you to become a fucking super hero"
He held two katana's in his hand and murdered everyone in his sight. The time came when Zhrek would rescue princess Niona. Zhrek kicked all kinds of ass...and penetrated all kinds of ass filling them with his pungent onion juices.Vohnkey was with Eragon. They made beautiful Dronkeys. However that's a story for another day.
Zhrek finally found Vathquad with his pants down trying to get into princess Niona's swamp. Zhrek roared a mighty roar. He sprinted all the way to him and ripped all of Vathquad's clothes off. He stabbed him with his mighty ogre cock. Causing Vathquad to bleed so much. Zhrek penetrated Vathquad so hard that Vathquad died of penetration. Zhrek picked up Niona and rescued her from the dangers of lord Vathquad. Zhrek whispered in her ear "He will never get into my sacred swamp."
Zhrek shreked all of Lord Vathquad and his army...Zhrek is love...
Zhrek is life...