Chapter 6

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(A/N: Sorry for not writing so often. I just dont always get to the laptop on time. Anyways, here we go!

-CourtE2ShortE (AKA CoUrTnEy)

*1 week later*

~Cheyenne's POV~

One week. ONE FUCKING WEEK! This has been the longest week throughout my entire existence! I just can't wait to see Niall, and I hope he don't go all ape on Liam and Louis. And if he did, Courtney's always hard on the newbies, he might get punch in the face or kneed where the sun don't shine. She better not, I NEED THOSE! (A/N: inside joke with our group lol cheyenne)

About ten minutes later Niall starts stirring in the chains. To Courtney: Hey, he's waking up. What should I do if he tries to escape? From Courtney: Sup bitch on a stick lol. If he tries to escape stop him duh! I totes ship her and Louis. To Courtney: No shit Sherlock! But what should I do? From Courtney: Stop him! Now stop talking to me peasant before he actually does escape! After she ends our little call I turn around to find the chains broken and the entire mini fridge empty and Niall.... gone. Shit! Courtney's gonna kill me!! Just then I hear an ear piercing scream that makes me fall to the ground clutching my head, it almost sounded like a girl. But he couldn't hurt us girls or Harry and Zayn, so it was either Louis or Liam.

Once I get upstairs, I follow the scent of one of the boys blood and it leads me to Brittany's room where Brittany is currently trying to pull Niall off Liam, who is passed out from blood loss and panic. "Cheyenne get Niall off of Liam before I have to get Courtney in here!" Brittany whisper-yelled at me as I keep pulling Niall until he, stupidly, releasess some of his grip on Liam, enough for me to push him to the side and tackle him. "Cheyenne! He's not waking up! I don't know what to do!" "Britt, shut your hole! Think, what's the only way to save him?" "No way! No way in fucking hell!" "If you don't do it, Courtney's gonna send us to hell! Not kidding, she knows Devin (the devil's name, creative ik), they are BFF's! Come on save Daddy for us Mummy!" I say trying to beg her. which isn't that hard to do cause she is like totally in love with Liam, she caves when she sees puppy eyes, she's scared of Courtney, like I mean who wouldn't be, and finally she's not a big fan of Devin or his place. "Fine just keep Niall away from Louis now. And no telling Courtney" "I won't I promise" "Maybe I should erase your memory to be safe?" She says to no-one in particular. "Rude! And forget about that Liam's dying woman!" I say dragging Niall back to my room away from Louis and hopefully far enough from Courtney. Which isn't very far since my room is right next to her's. 

"Hey Niall, why don't you go take a shower you smell bad. Plus we don't want Liam's blood on your clothes for Courtney to smell out." "Okay, and I feel really bad for what I did to Liam. Do you think he'll be mad when he gets up?" "Maybe a little, but don't worry, he can't stay mad at you for long. Also maybe later we can go out to eat.... blood" That's all I had to say to make him run vamp speed to the bathroom in my room, but doesn't exactly make it, he bumps into the wall right next to the bathroom. He fell to the ground mummbling cuss words while clutching his forehead, on the other hand I was on the floor clutching my stomach trying not to piss myself. "Shuddup" he mummbled before walking to the bathroom. Idiot. "I heard that!" "You were suppose to! I knew you were reading my mind you dumb leprachaun!" I jokingly yell back.

*Courtney's POV*

What is that smell? "Maddie!" "Hey what's up Shortney?" "Geez, you know I hate that name. PS I'm taller than you. But not the point, what's that smell?" She stick her nose in the air and gets a worried look on her face. "What? What is it?" "Blood" "Whose blood?! Wait hold on! Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!" I yell trying to find the viales of the boys blood. Don't think it's creepy, I did it to protect them. "Yes! Found 'em! Sniff!" She looked at me weird then stuck her nose at the top of the viales and freezes at Liam's. "Shit!" I run as fast as vamp can run to Brittany's room, knowing that Liam was in there earlier. "Where the he-" I stopped myself when I saw Liam laying on Brittany's bed with two holes in his neck and blood over the sheets. "What did you do?! Paul is gonna kill us!" "One, Paul won't kill you or your sister, he might kill the rest of us though. Two, I didn't do anything, this, this is not my work and I love Liam, I wouldn't do this" She says pointing at Liam with tears welling up in her eyes. "Who. Did. It. Brittany." *Brittany's thoughts- Cheyenne, but technically it was Niall's fault* "Thanks for telling me Britt. Now where is Cheyenne and Niall?" "Cheyenne's room" she whispers looking at her feet. "Thanks you Brittany now go put Liam in the restraints, I gotta go find those idiots and maybe give a call to Devin" her head snaps up at the sound of Devin's name "Don't worry, I'm not calling him for you. I'm gonna have Chey and Niall spend a few down there with him." 

Once I get to Cheyenne's door, I back up and run forward in human speed raising my foot and kick the door in. Wasn't actually expecting this to happen so soon. "AHHHHHHH HOLY HELL! GET SOME CLOTHES ON!" I yell turning around on Cheyenne and Niall who were doing the dirty deed. "My god, you two had to do that now?!" Finally turning around to find them fully clothed sitting on the now messed up bed. "So, who did that to Liam?" Niall tenses at my words "Niall, stand," he refuses,"Niall don't make things worse for yourself. Stand, NOW!" I say with my demon voice that Devin gave me for my 396th birthday present. Now that he's standing I force Cheyenne to watch his punishment. "Courtney stop! He didn't know, he couldn't control it!" Cheyenne yells trying to make me feel bad for him. "SILENCE!" Let's get this thing started.

*2 hours later*

I hate doing that to vamps but, I had to if I didn't I would lose my rank as leader. Anyway Niall is now curled up in a fetal position on Cheyenne's bed while Cheyenne is glaring at me while comforting Niall. "I'm sorry it had to be done. It was that or go and live with Devin for a week." All the girls hate Devin just because he hits on them every once an while. It ain't his fault, he's a guy for Pete's sake! Speaking of Devin, he and I sorta had a thing about 400 years ago, but we wouldn't let a break up ruin a friendship. So I've been keeping in touch but it's hard considering that I'm now technically babysitting everyone else in this damn house, besides Liam and Brittany, atleast there responsible to take care of themselves. I don't know how Liam does it honestly, I should ask him when he wakes up. "Alright good night you two. I'm so sorry Niall, hope your uh, thing feels better. It should heal fast, maybe" mummbling the last word under my breathe before walking back to my room and relax. Before that, let's see. Vampires-5. W.Wolves-4. Humans-1. May the odds be ever in your favor Louis.

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