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      CHEWIE DID NOT STOP COMPLAINING from his wound. Finn tried to put him in the sofa, but he will not vouch. I sighed, walking towards him. "I need help with this giant hairy thing!" Finn yelled. "Stop moving." Finn told him. Chewbacca growled at him. 

"You hurt Chewie, you are going to deal with me!" My dad yelled from the piloting seat. I smiled, approaching Chewie and Finn. 

"Hurt him? He almost killed me 6 times!" Finn growled. Chewie in response took him by the shirt and bought him face to face with him.  "Which is fine" Fin shocked out. 

I held back a laugh, and walked to the first aid kit. I then knelt down next to the two of them. "Come on, Chewie. Don't be mean. It's okay. Now, hand me that arm. Let's see what they have hurt you." I told him, as he handed me the arm. "Doesn't seem too bad." I said to him quietly, while I quietly healed the wound. 

As I finished wrapping out the wound, Finn had decided to speak. "What are you?" He asked me. 

"A person." I replied to him. Chewie groaned, and I motioned him to lay down. 

"No, you had that thing in your hand...and then y-you push the man into the wall with something invisible." Finn said to me. I held back a laugh at how he explained the Force. 

"You are imagining things." I told him. I looked at my dad who was walking inside. "Hey, Chewie is fine. Nothing fatal." I said as he approached his best friend. 

As I stood up, I smiled at Rey. I walked up to her, looking for any injuries. "You okay?" I asked her.  

She nodded at me. "You are his daughter? You are Han Solo's daughter?" She asked me, and I nodded. "Awesome." She quickly said, looking between my dad and I. 

After checking on Chewie, my dad turned to us. "So, fugitives, huh!" He said to the three of us. 

"Yeah." I sighed. 

"The First Order wants the map. Finn is with the Resistance. I'm just a scavenger." Rey told him. 

"Let's see what you have got." My dad said to us. I motioned BB-8 to show the map. When he projected it, it only showed one section. 

"The map is not complete." I said to them in thought. 

"Ever since Luke disappear people have been looking for him." My dad informed them. 

"Why did he leave?" Finn asked him. 

I sat down next to Chewie, keeping my eyes on the floor. "He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice, turned against him. Destroyed it all. Luke felt responsable. He just walked away from everything." My dad answered.  

"You know what happened to him?" Rey asked him. 

I looked up to my dad. "A lot of rumors. Stories. People that know him best think that he went looking for the first Jedi temple." He answered. 

"The Jedi were real?" Rey asked him. 

"Yeah. They are." I answered them. Getting a knowing look from my father. 

"I used to wonder about that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil, the dark side and the light. Crazy thing is...it's true." My dad said to them, looking at the map. "The Force. The Jedi. All of it.  It's all true." He finished, looking at Rey and Finn. The faces of amazements of Finn and Rey were impressive. They held hope. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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