He Sees Your Stretch Marks for the first time (All the guys)

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As you looked in the mirror with disgust you couldn't help but think why Harry was with you. I mean, he could have any other girl but he chose you! And that was surprising even for his fans, but they loved you no matter what. As long as you made Harry happy and he was happy with you then you were cool!! See the thing about it is, your stretch marks made you feel less pretty, it made you feel ugly and the fact that they were everywhere made you even more insecure.

"Babe you in here" you heard Harry ask outside your bathroom door.

"Y-yeah, just give me a sec" you stuttered back. 

As you put on your long sleeved shirt covering up your stretch marks, you opened up the door and walked out to a sad looking Harry with tears in his eyes. There he sat with a book in his hands which appeared to be your daily journal that you wrote in. 

"B-babe" you stuttered. But before you could get anymore words out he pulled you in for a big bear hug. Tears started to run down your face and then you just lost it. You crying so much you started to get a headache.

"Y/n why didn't you tell me you were insecure about your stretch marks?" he asked.

"Well, you've never seen them so you wouldn't know how i feel about them".

"Let me see then" Harry said. This was the moment that you would show Harry your stretch marks and you were nervous as hell. Would he leave you and find another girl, cause that would be your worst nightmare of all. Having the man you love leave you because you have stretch marks and a  few pounds!! But you mustered up all the courage in you and showed him. He didn't reply but simply picked you up and layed you down on the bed and started to kiss your marks. 

"I love you for you and don't care if you have marks" he said before he kissed your lips passionately!!

And made love to you!!

So i hope you liked it the other guys are coming tomorrow or tonight!! If i don't do there's tonight, its prob cause i'm updating my 5SOS funny memes book or writing in my Rants book!!!!

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