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Brandon's POV

December 19th 1PM

We've been sitting here for a while now when we finally heard shuffling come from the hallway. I leaned over the side of the couch and peered down the hallway, and saw a sleepy looking Kaitlyn trudging down the hallway. She came in to the room and plopped down on the couch in between Hunter and I. I tried to think of a way to tell her we're going to the hospital, but I was having trouble.

"H-hey, Kaitlyn? Hunter and i were thinking, and we think..we think it would be best if we took you to the hospital. You could have injuries that we can't see," I said, watching her face and waiting for a reaction. She seemed to be thinking, and then she nodded.

"Y-yeah that's probably for the best," she said, looking between Hunter and I.

We got up and put our shoes on, and we had to walk to the hospital. Since Hunter's only 14 and a half, and he's the oldest, non of us are even close to being able to drive. It wasn't too bad, the hospital was only like six blocks away. We arrived soon enough and went tot he front desk.

"Hi, I'm Brandon Rowland, and this is my brother Hunter, and our..uh.. friend, Kaitlyn. She fell and we just wanted to make sure that she's okay," I said to the nurse at the front desk.

"Are you with an adult?" She asked, peering over the top of the desk.

'Well, um, no. You see, our mom's out of town. We just want to make sure Kaitlyn doesn't die! Please?" I begged, trying to get my message across to the lady. The message was that we were a bunch of kids that didn't really know what to do.

"Alright," The lady sighed," what are her symptoms?"

"Uh, she can't really remember a lot of things, and she's been sleeping a lot," I said, giving her the most basic symptoms.

"Sounds like she might have a brain injury. We'll bring her round back for testing. C'mob boys, bring her," The lady said, getting up. We followed her down a few sets of hallways, until we got to an empty room. The room was pep-bismol pink, and had the ability to make you nauseous just by looking at the walls.

"Alright, Miss Kaitlyn, hop up on to the table,please," the nurse said. Kaitlyn obliged, jumping up on to the table. 

"Okay, boys, you gotta go while I do the tests," She said, turning to us. Hunter and i left and went out to the waiting room. 

December 19th 2:40 PM

We were called back in to Kaitlyn's test room, and; big surprise, she was sleeping again. The nurse was looking over some results of tests. 

"Ah,  boys! We have some things to talk about," the nurse says to us.

We sit down and wait for her to continue.

"So, we did some tests. We have discovered that Kaitlyn has something wrong with her brain. She has a few things wrong, such as Diplopia, which will make her sometimes have double vision. She also has symptoms of Dyslexia, and she has Apraxia. It means she will zone out sometimes and it might take you a few times of telling her or asking her to do something before it actually registers," the nurse answers.

But she wasn't done. "You need to give her these pills so she doesn't get even worse diseases, like seizures and Lafora Disease, which is fatal," the nurse said, handing us a bottle of pills. I sat there in disbelief. I couldn't believe that our beautiful Kaitlyn would have to go through so much. She now has Diplopia, Dyslexia, and Apraxia, and is at risk of seizures and Lafora!

"Y-yes nurse, we understand," I said, putting the pills in my jacket.

The nurse sadly smiled "You boys were right in bringing your friend here. Make sure her mom gets this information. You can leave once she wakes up," and with that, she left the room. 

I was speechless. I put my head in my hands. 

"Hey, bro, it's going to be okay. Kaitlyn will be okay," Hunter said, patting my back.

"But what if she isn't! What if we came too late? I wouldn't be able to live with myself!" I yelled, getting up and pacing the room. 

"Hey, in situations like this, you have to keep your head up. We will keep taking care of Kaitlyn, and we'll keep her healthy until we find her parents. It. is.gong.to.be.okay," Hunter continued.

"I-it's just the fact that I can't know that for sure. I can't ensure that I will be able to deliver Kaitlyn back to her family safely. What if she starts getting worse and worse, and I just have to watch it happen in front of my eyes. I can't watch that happen!" I ranted, before collapsing on the floor.

"Brandon, get it together! You need to stay strong for her. I don't care other she's just your friend, or like your sister, or anything else," Hunter paused," you gotta do this for her." He was right, I knew it. I had to stay strong. Why was I reacting like this after only knowing her for two days! This is ridiculous. 

December 19th 4:30 PM

We just arrived home, after Kaitlyn woke up at about 4. We told her what the doctor told us, and she took her daily pill and said she wanted to go home. We walked back home, and put in a movie, which Hunter and Kaitlyn are now watching. I'm not the couch next to Kaitlyn, but I'm using my laptop. Im looking up Diplopia, Dyslexia, and Apraxia, as well as symptoms to look for before someone has a seizure. I want to make sure I am as prepared as i can be if anything happens to Kaitlyn. I look up after a while and notice that Hunter has fallen asleep. 

I look over at Kaitlyn, and poke her in the arm.

"Hey, beautiful,  you want something to eat?" I whispered to her, trying not to wake up Hunter. 

She nodded her head, so I helped her off the couch and we went to the kitchen.  i turned on the lights and looked over at her. 

"So, M'lady, what are you thinking we should have this fine evening?" I ask in a faux posh voice. 

"Well, good sir, I believe we should have.... some grilled cheese sandwiches!" She exclaimed. 

"Very good, M'lady," i said, before getting the cheese out of the fridge. She got the bread, and we made some Grilled cheese sandwiches. 

We sat across from each other at the table, eating when Kaitlyn became oddly silent.

"Hey.. what's wrong? I asked, concerned. 

"I i-its just, oh, I don't know. What if my parents don't love me now that I have all these things wrong with me, if I ever find them. What if nobody ever loves me?" She says softly, and I notice tears rolling down her face. I quickly got out of my chair and hurried over to her. 

"Hey, hey, don't think like that! So many people care so much about you and you have no clue. I care so much about you, Hunter cares so much about you, and your family, wherever they are, care so much bout you too," I tell her, hugging her to me. We stay like that for a long time, until she cries herself to sleep, right in the chair. Then I carry her to my bed, and go to sleep on the beanbag myself.

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