-chapter 3-

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isn't Vic's outfit just adorable?

*Vic's Pov*

"Come back, Oreo!" My little puppy cocker-spaniel scurried over to Jaime and Tony, nuzzling his face against Jaime's thigh. I pouted, calling him back over. 

"Vic, your dog is on a mission to get in my pants, I swear," Jaime called, Oreo brushing his face against Jaime's jeans, and grunting happily.

"His face is just itchy, dumb ass," I chuckled, getting up and picking up Oreo. He panted happily, licking my cheek. I bounced him up and down in my arms like a baby, because he was like one to me. Oreo was what I had right now instead of a boyfriend. No shame.

We all sat down on my bed and the couch in my room, Oreo in my arms still, nuzzling his face into my neck and his tail wagging. I scratched the top of his head, kissing his cute nose. "So, I saw you gave the Aussie your number." Jaime wiggled his eyebrows. 

I blushed, "Shut up, he's cute.." I turned to Oreo, "Right, Oreo?" He made a mixture of a grunt and a snuff sound in reply. "Exactly."

"Oh yeah, for your first date he can," he imitated an Australian accent, "Throw some shrimp on the barbie!" 

"For your information," I said, giving him a look that matched my words, "he does not sound like that. And, he's hot as fuck, unlike you." I flipped my hair from my eyes like the sassy bitch I am. "Right, Tony?"

I was met with silence, "Tony?" I turned to see him making out with Mike, my brother grabbing fist-full's of his ass. "Dude, stop sucking face with my brother for 2 seconds and defend me," I joked, petting Oreo with my long nails in the process. 

"O-oh, sorry, Vic." He moved off of Mike, only for him to pull him back into his lap, and start kissing the back of Tony's neck. I playfully rolled my eyes, looking back at Jaime. I sighed, putting Oreo down and letting him run away to his pastel blue and pink food and water bowls. 

Laying my head in Jaime's lap, I felt him place a hand on my side, and then the sound of some game he was playing on his phone. We weren't dating, hell no. We were just really close, all of us, really. So stuff like this was just second-nature. 

As I began nodding off in his lap, I felt a buzz from my phone, making my eyes shoot open in alertness. Fishing out my phone, I saw it was a text from an unknown number. 

Hey Vic, it's Kellin. I was wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee today? 

"Yes, bitches!" I squeal, sitting up in Jaime's lap, accidentally elbowing him in the crotch in the process, making him groan. I giggled, "Oh, sorry Hime Time." 

"What is it?" Tony asked, lips swollen from obviously just making out with Mike. "Kellin text me, asking if I wanted to get some coffee. Bless." They all went back to what they were doing, as I texted him back excitedly, of course not before adding him in my contacts. 

To Koala Bear: I'd love to! Meet me at Star Bucks at 3?

He replied soon, agreeing. Feeling ecstatic, I ran upstairs to sort out my outfit. My wardrobe was full of different, bright-coloured, pretty clothes. So many options, but what the hell do I wear? I decided on a cute skater skirt and crop top, my pink, heart choker, purple pastel lipstick, John Lennon glasses, and my adorable chunky heels. 

Would Kellin think I look all right? I hope he does. I mean, if he didn't like how I was, why would he ask me out to coffee? Was this a date? Casual cup of coffee with a friend? I was hoping the first option. A guy can dream, right.

Saying goodbye to the guys, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and purse, before retreating into the hot San Diego sun. It wasn't too hot this time of year, but it was always warm in San Diego. On the walk there, I listened to 5 seconds of summer through my ear buds, until the familiar Star Bucks logo came into view. 

Instantly, I was met with the scent of coffee beans, and the sweet scent of desserts. My eyes scanned the slightly filled coffee shop, looking for Kellin. My eyes landed on the cutie, seeing him drinking his coffee, and staring out the window, tugging at one of his lip rings with his teeth. 

Before he noticed I was here, I took a moment to take him in. He wore a Slayer t-shirt, grey skinny jeans, a snap back, couple bracelets, and Vans. He looked attractive as hell, his piercings somehow looking even better today. Making my way over, I tap Kellin's shoulder. His gorgeous blue eyes landed on me, raking over my body and breaking out with a smile. 

"Hey, Vic," he stood up, engulfing me into a warm hug. My stomach got all tingly hearing his thick accent say my name. "Hey, Kellin." I kissed his cheek like yesterday, just to be a little shit. 

"You look lovely," he complemented when we sat down, both of us with coffees. Kellin had already bought me one, further coating my cheeks in a blush. 

I was praying he didn't see it, but my eyes filled with hope. Someone actually thought my outfit looked good? "Thanks," I whisper, hiding my smile with my cup as I took a drink. If he makes me blush any more, I swear my face will explode. 

"I want to get to know you," I say, tapping my nails against the table. He quirked an eyebrow, "What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Come on, tell me about your 'adventures' in down under." 

"Oh, you know, I fought off killer Koala's while jumping around with my pet kangaroo, while eating my Vegemite." 

I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand. "My god," he breathed, smiling softly, "You have perfect teeth." My mouth shut into a toothless smile, biting my lip in order to not smile widely. I looked down, meeting his eyes when he started talking. 

"Really, they're amazing, love." I flashed him a smile, fiddling my thumbs. It's like he knew just the right thing to say at just the right time. 

When I looked up, Kellin just looked so... adorable. With his tough looking exterior, you'd never think he's a total sweetheart. 

"Vic?" I looked up again, hanging off his every word. "Would you, um.. would you want to go on a date tomorrow night with me?" His eyes filled with hope. Am I hearing right? Hot, Australian, tattoo artist wants to take this pastel ass on a date?

"Fuck yes!" His eyes widened, an amused laugh slipping past his lips. "I mean, yeah, totally." 

"You're adorable," he giggled, picking up my hand, and placing a chaste kiss to my knuckles. My heart fluttered at the action, the feeling of his cold lip ring against my hand lingering there. 

When our little coffee meet up came to an end, I kissed Kellin's cheek, saying I'd text him tonight. He pulled me in for a extra long hug, getting a couple weird stares, but I could care less as I wrapped my arms tightly around him, breathing in his wonderful scent. 

This was definitely something I wanted to happen again. 


is that a double update I hear? I think so! Hope you liked it! be honest, is everyone liking pastel vic and punk Kellin? 

ALSO thank you so much for 100+ reads already :) You guys are literally the best readers ever

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