-chapter 4-

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anybody down for a Tattoos update? :) 

*Vic's Pov*

"Vic, chill your fucking shit," Tony laughed. I glared at him, this was not funny. I was obsessing over what to wear to Kellin and I's date tonight. 

This was something I couldn't mess up. After years of not being in a relationship, I was finally getting out there and meeting new people, and all from getting a small tattoo, that looked fabulous as fuck, by the way. 

"Hoe, don't do it," Tony warned Mike, who held Tony's favourite stuffed turtle over the toilet after Tony claimed Star Wars is far better than Harry Potter. It was ironic because Mike gave Tony that turtle when they were 14 on Valentines Day. I rolled my eyes in amusement, continuing to swipe through my hangers. 

"Just kidding, turtle. I love you too much to ever do that." I then heard the sound of him giving Tony a kiss.

 I love all my clothes, really, but I needed something perfect. My barbie pencil skirt and crop top set caught my eye, as I pulled it out from my closet, I showed the guys. "That's cute," Mike commented. 

I nodded, heading to the wash room to go change into it. This outfit I bought ages ago and never wore, so I wasn't sure if it was going to fit or even look good on me. I took the skirt off the hook, then slid it up my hips and slipped the shirt on as well.

I checked myself out in the mirror, loving the way it complemented my hips. I smiled, digging out my make-up bag from the cupboard. I applied just a thin coat of mascara, eye liner, pastel pink lipstick, and subtle shading in my eyebrows. My hair was already done, so I didn't need to worry about that. 

After perfecting my make-up, I put on all my necklaces and my platform heels that I absolutely adore. I knew that Kellin was just taking me out to dinner, but I was more than excited. Someone was actually interested in me, and I was interested in them, too! Hopefully this won't crash and burn like everything else does for me. 

*Kellin's Pov* 

"Come on, Kellin. You can do this," I encourage myself. Here I sat, parked in Vic's driveway, getting ready to go get him for out date. Fuck, did I look all right? I was wearing a navy blue button up, black skinny jeans, and Vans. 

Really, I tried to dim down my 'punk-ness' but it was proven hard with 5 piercings, and a lot of tattoos With a deep breath, I picked up the roses I bought him, and got out of my car and to his front door. I knocked twice, holding my breath. 

Soon, Vic opened the door, taking my breath away. He looked so beautiful, and I just loved every single thing he wore. I've come to notice, he really likes platform shoes. I smiled widely, outstretching the roses to him, "You look beautiful."

Vic blushed, gratefully taking the roses from my hands and pulling me into a hug. He smelt sweet, like vanilla. "Thank you so much," he giggled, "Here, come in so I can put these in a vase and then we can leave." 

I smirked when I saw Vic's eyes rake over my body, before he shut the door. Discreetly, I watched his ass as he walked over to the table to fill a vase full of water and put the roses in. The outfit he was wearing was just so cute. 

A laugh from the other side of the room startled me. It was the boy with the shades from when Vic came for his tattoo. "The Aussie is staring at your ass, Vic,"he laughed.

 My face went extremely hot. Vic turned around, eyes slightly wide and a faint blush dusting his cheeks. His lips then curled into a sly smile, winking at me, before grabbing his purse off a chair. I watched in amazement, as he sassily walked past me and out the door. 

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