-chapter 8-

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I accidentally put zayn from one direction and everyone's like not anymore, and I know that lol just slipped my mind. EVERYONE'S PISSED BECAUSE I LOATHE LANA DEL REY. Vic's outfit on top, by the way. Don't make rude comments about one direction please :) even tho none of you have, just saying.

-Vic's Pov-

Kellin and I's sneakers crunched against the leaves scattering the forest floor, filling the silent area with the soft noise. I gripped my camera tighter, along with Kellin's hands. I was low-key freaking out over the news that he tattooed Zayn Malik, my love. Too bad he left the band, he was the best singer.

Our hands swung slowly back and forth, drawing the smell of Kellin's cologne into my nose. He smelt so good, as I casually inhaled over and over just to smell him. His voice startled me.

"You look cute," he says, bringing our locked hands to his mouth, and kissing the top of mine. "That flower crown makes you look like a princess."

I smiled softly, pecking his lips, "Thank you. You look hot, too," I wink, bumping our shoulders together playfully. He chuckled, giving my hand a firm squeeze. Kissing his cheek, I let go of his hand and made my way to over to the bottom of some trees. The sun was beginning to set, filling the sky with reds, oranges, blues, and pinks.

It was a beautiful scene, and Kellin and I had come to take some pictures. Well, I had, but Kellin happily tagged along, which I loved. My camera was one of those instant Polaroid cameras, so when I got all these pictures taken, I'd hang them up in my room.

"Love, what in the bloody hell are you doing?" I turned to see Kellin now sitting on some old log, the sleeves of his Iron Maiden sweater pulled over his hands.

I scoffed, "I'm tumblr af, don't you know that, Kellin?" I joked, turning back around and setting myself up to take the perfect picture, before hitting the shutter button. My nails looked so pretty today. Kellin had shocked me and painted them, and they actually turned out good.

After taking a few more pictures, I turned back around to Kellin, who was unzipping his Vans backpack and pulling out some type of candy bar that I don't think I've ever seen before.

"Say cheese, Kangaroo!"

Kellin looked up, startled, just as I shot the picture. He pouted as I took out the picture from the top of camera, shaking it for a bit, before seeing an adorable picture of Kellin looking scared and holding a chocolate bar. Or, at least I think it's a chocolate bar. I took out my phone and started recording, putting on my best Australian accent.

"And here, we have a wild Kellin in his natural habitat. Doing what Australian boys always do, eat strange candy bars. What'cha got there, Koala Bear?" I make my way over to him, casually plopping myself down on his lap. He giggled into my ear, holding up the little purple chocolate bar and tearing it open. "It's called Violet Crumble. It's from Australia."

"Ah, I see," I nodded, pursing my lips. "Look at my cute Australian boyfriend, eating his foreign food," I giggle, pointing the camera more at Kellin, laughing when he crossed his eyes.

"Here, give it a burl, love. It tastes basically like a crunchie bar," he said, handing me it and taking my phone to record me now. I gave him a skeptical look, then shrugged and took a bite. It was fucking orgasmic. He was right, it did taste like a crunchie bar, but better.

"Ew, Kellin this is gross. I'm sorry I can't let you eat this, so I'll just take it from you," I smile sweetly, getting up from his lap and taking my polaroid camera with me, "Gotta' blast, babe. Sorry."

I ran away back to the trees giggling, hearing Kellin call from behind me, "Oi! You stole me chocolate bar!" That made me laugh more, as I slowed down from my run, realizing I had gone a little further into the woods than I had intended.

When I turned around to head back, I jumped up seeing Kellin standing right behind me, still filming on my phone. "You scared me," I laughed.

"You stole my chocolate bar," he pouted, booping my nose. I giggled quietly, "Tastes too good not to eat," I smile innocently, laughing again when he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Hey, if you stole my chocolate bar, then give me your camera so I can take pictures of you," he whined, poking my cheek with his index finger.

I took another bite of his candy bar, handing him my camera. "If you break that I'll sue."

He laughed at that, fiddling with it to get it ready to take a picture, when he accidentally hit the shutter button, the camera pointing up at him. I laughed loudly, "That film is expensive!"

He took out the picture whilst chuckling, shaking it until it developed. A loud laugh came out from his pierced lips, making me smile. "What the fuck is that!?"

I snatched the picture from his hands before he could protest. When I looked at the small picture, my jaw fell in amusement at the picture of Kellin. It was taken at such an awkward angle that he had double chins and he's was mid-speech so his mouth hung open and his eyes mid-blink. "Oh my god, best picture so far!" I laughed in amusement, opening my bag and putting it with the rest in a small heart-shaped box.

"You're mean," he whimpers, wrapping me in a hug and leaning his head on top of mine, his hand still holding the camera.

"Now." He pulled away, positioning the camera in ready, "You look absolutely beautiful, so let's take some pictures."

My face grew hot, shuffling under his gaze and playing with my sleeves. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, just pose, i guess," he told me, watching me intently as he waited to take a picture. I rolled my eyes, smoothing out my clothes and staring
at Kellin.

"Just take the damn picture." I stuck my hand up in a rock and roll sign, squinting my eyes and sticking my
tongue out. Kellin backed up a bit, before I heard the click of the shutter button.

We took quite a lot more pictures, me taking the camera at some points and snapping a few of Kellin. They all turned out really nicely, and there wasn't one I wasn't putting up on my walls.

Kellin had taken the last picture before we went home, as we waited for it to develop. Once it did, Kellin was fixated on the small picture. I got confused, and played with my thumbs as I waited for him to show me it. It was the last picture after all.

"Can. . . I keep this picture?" he breathed, still studying it carefully. "You look so bloody stunning in it, my god"

Blushing, I felt my eyes widen. He gave me an expectant look, and I nodded my head quickly, averting my gaze. I hate how he could make me feel like this. I'm the queen of sass, yet somehow this little bad-ass made
me feel so flustered and confused.

Well, he's not really a bad ass. He just looks like one. But in reality he's a sweet heart that only wants to cuddle and hold your hand. I adored that about Kellin. We only started this relationship and he was already seemingly perfect to me.

"Really, you look so amazing," he sighed, glancing down at the picture then back to me. I bit my lip to hold back my smile, but failed miserably. "Come on, beautiful. We can go to my house and watch Adventure Time."

I perked up at that, gripping his hand again and grabbing my backpack full with my pictures. Kellin chuckled, kissing my temple slowly before we started walking to his house.

Man was I happy I went that day to get that tattoo.


my writing is just failing now. I've fallen into this like severe depression and I try to update but my brain is just dying but I really do try my best for you guys.

Sorry complaining every authors note about my stupid life but i just need to vent a bit even if no one reads it... you know? Anyway hope you guys have a great day and I apologize it's short, I'm trying to get some drama or something I just don't know

Q: Where do you live? *stalker face*

A: Canada x

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